The person in front of her looked at the dropped registration form with confusion, surprised to see Nina appearing here so early.

He bent down to pick up the fallen form. Seeing this, Nina's pupils slightly contracted as she quickly moved to pick it up as well. However, he was closer and quickly retrieved the form in his hand.

"Are you feeling unwell?" the man asked, glancing at the form, only to find it was for a simple ultrasound. Seeing only this column written on it already made him curious.

Feeling at a loss, Nina acted as if a colossal secret was about to be revealed, hastily snatching the registration form from him and putting it in her pocket, suppressing her flustered emotions. "I came to check on my health."

Nash's gaze fell on her face, then he questioned, "If it's not stomach discomfort, why come for an ultrasound?"

Nina clenched her fist tightly, avoiding his gaze. "Didn't I say? I came to check on my health."

With one hand in his pocket, Nash was displeased with her behavior, furrowing his brows as he asked coldly, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming to the hospital?"

Nina replied, "You didn't come home last night, did you? I couldn't see you, so I had to come alone."

"Couldn't you call?"

Nina pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, then said, "I called you a few days ago, and you didn't answer, so there was no point."

her calls. He was still upset. But since yesterday, he had turned on his phone, still hoping she

also wondering if she was used to being alone at

come to the hospital for a check-up

he was still wearing yesterday's suit and had hurried to the hospital. She asked, "Why did you come

fell on Nina's

look right. He felt she had been acting strangely lately. "It's not like you to come

shifted to her

Nina instinctively covered her stomach, making upzan excuse My menstrual cycle hasn't been normal lately. It might be

pondered for a moment, realizing she indeed hadn't had

is crowded. I'll come

said, "I'll call the hospital director

need!" Nina strongly

Nash's expression grew stern.

the hospital director found out, Nash would know about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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