It seemed she hadn't expected to see them there, but quickly regained her composure. Melody smiled and greeted, "Grandpa George, my mother and I have come to see you." "Hi George," Melody's mother called out.

Nina pondered for a moment. George, whom Nash held in such high regard, seemed familiar to the Wallace family. There was a sense of acquaintance there.

George smiled and said, "Why have you all come?"

"You're ill, so of course we all wanted to come see you," Melody replied warmly, placing the flowers in a vase and then giving George a hug. "But Grandpa George, there are other guests here." George said, "Nash is the grandson of my comrade. He is like my own grandson."

"I've met him," Melody confidently turned to Nash. "Hello, Mr. York, it's nice to see you again."

George asked, "But weren't you abroad for a long time? I haven't heard that you knew Nash."

"Just a few days ago, Dad took me to meet him, and we even had dinner together," Melody didn't hide it. "Grandpa George, my dad is busy with school matters, so he'll only be able to come see you in the evening."

"That's fine," George didn't mind. "It's the thought that counts."

was known for his kindness and treated his soldiers

not to interrupt. "Grandpa George, since

there, smiling and saying, "Nash, why the rush? It's not often we get to meet like this. Let's chat for a while. With more people around, it's livelier, and George enjoys that. Why not stay a

a look at him as if he were her son-in-law, expressing her approval. "Nash, you're really talented, just as my daughter has often said. I didn't believe it until now. Meeting you today

Melody smiled. It was clear to discerning eyes that the Wallace family was quite pleased with Nash and wanted

naturally understood this too. He looked at the mother and daughter duo, realizing their

"Hey, weren't you here

mother and daughter


to George. Melody's mother replied, "Of course, we came to see you. It just so happened that we ran into Nash. Besides my husband, our family isn't

and remarked, "I know the York family is well-regarded, and many girls have

words shocked the mother


"What? Nash is married? That can't be true. George, you're not saying this just to favor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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