
Sue thought it would be wiser to approach Nash rather than Nina. He held more influence in the matter. "Nash, I'll be starting my internship in a month. Could I possibly intern at your company? I'm currently without a place to go temporarily. I just need the internship completion certificate; it won't disrupt your affairs."

Lily added, "We're Nina's close relatives. Please assist her so she can secure a good job in the future."

Nina furrowed her brows. This seemed like taking advantage of Nash being her husband, attempting to gain from him. It was one thing to benefit from their family before, but now they wanted to benefit from Nash as well.

She couldn't help but glance at Nash, concerned that he might form a negative opinion of her family, especially given that it was their first encounter and things were already turning out this way. Moreover, her relationship with Nash wasn't intimate enough for him to be responsible for managing the entire Walker family's affairs. It was also dragging her down.

Nina knew all too well that if she allowed this once, it would likely become a recurring issue. So, she politely interjected, "Lily, that's not how things work. Whatever Nash possesses is his own, and he's not obligated to assist you. Please refrain from pushing this further and putting him in a difficult position!"

Lily shot her a look. "We're not asking you. We're asking him. Oh, I get it now. You married him to pay off that two million debt, didn't you?" She glanced at Zion. "Zion, this is your fault. You have such a great son-in-law, and you didn't inform us. If you had, we wouldn't be so troubled now!"

Zion had never been so embarrassed. He didn't know where to put his face. "Lily, you're going too far, and don't even think about taking advantage of Nash!"

Lily continued speaking in her flattering manner, "Oh, come on, we're all family here. Nash won't mind. Helping out a bit when family members are in trouble is perfectly fine. For Nash, parting with some money is as effortless as plucking a hair. It couldn't possibly be too much, right?"

Nash. "Isn't

remained silent, his gaze fixed

came to matters concerning the Walker family,

she didn't approve,

different story. Nina was afraid that Nash would know too much about their family's dirty laundry, and she didn't want Dily to make such distasteful

attempted to gently guide Lily out, but Lily stood her

I haven't talked much with Nash

to rest. If he doesn't get some soon, all of this will wear him out!" Julia chimed in, pushing for

not asking for much. I just want to

the door closed, finally

Zion let out a

his headache

at Nash and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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