The car quickly departed from the front of the building. Watching the shadow of the car fading away, Nina involuntarily clenched her fists.

"So, this lady wasn't lying. She really does have a connection with Mr. York," the receptionist remarked, feeling uncertain.

"They took her away, their relationship must be good. If Mr. York blames us, we'll be in trouble," someone else commented.

Hearing this, Nina felt a bit down. She had witnessed Mr. York's ruthlessness towards women, as well as his tenderness. It all depended on whether he liked them or not.

If he favored someone like Miranda, he'd rush her to the hospital even for a minor injury. He'd also worry about Linda if she got hurt, rushing to take her to the hospital without delay.

The receptionist was also a bit flustered, fearing that the accident might have resulted from her attempt to prevent Linda from visiting Mr. York. She pleaded, "Nina, if Mr. York holds us accountable, could you please put in a good word for us?"

Nina snapped out of her thoughts, composed herself, and said, "Today's situation was an accident. You don't need to blame yourselves. If Mr. York assigns blame, I'll handle it."

"Okay, thank you, Nina," they replied, feeling relieved.

Nina nodded and returned to her office.

Less than ten minutes after Nash took Linda away, the news had spread throughout the entire office. It was said that Nash had a new favorite, still favoring a particular type.

Nina mulled over it. What type did Nash prefer?

Miranda one

Linda too?

she from fitting into that

his preferences and capture

help but feel naïve. Her personality was deeply rooted, and she questioned how long she could

went to visit Grandpa George. She had recently visited her father, who had someone taking care of him, so she didn't go there again. However, it had

didn't have many people around him, and he felt quite lonely, needing someone to care for him. Nina had been doted on by her grandparents

feel loved once

Nina arrived at


his reading glasses on The images of soldiers on

that he was


him, Grandpa George was surprised

with him, felt a bit reserved and replied, "Nash asked me to come

adjust his pillow. "He wants to be filial to me, that's his business. Why doesn't he come

I also

just an excuse. Nina is still the best," Grandpa George

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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