"Is this big enough?" Nash asked. "Isn't it better looking than the one you have?"

Nina looked at the bear, even taller than him, realizing she couldn't carry it without dragging it on the ground. She quickly shook her head, "I don't want it, it's too big, and I don't like it."

Nash's expression darkened instantly. "Isn't this better than the one you have? Take it!" He tossed it over with one hand.

Nina looked at the bear she was holding, then another one was thrown at her. She was already carrying too much, and she felt like she was suffocating.

"Nash, stop it!" Nina didn't want them to fall on the ground. She struggled to get her head out and spoke.

Nash remained silent, his expression cold. He couldn't understand. Wasn't she supposed to like big soft toys? This one was even bigger than the one she had, why wasn't she excited? Why couldn't she be happy?

Where did he go wrong?

Nina realized her words might have hurt his pride too much, so she softened her tone, "It's too heavy, I can't carry it."

"I'll help you." Scott took the pink bear soft toy in his hands. "Now it should be fine."

"Thank you," Nina finally recovered.

Seeing the awkward moment, Quincy sensed Nash's overwhelming anger. Moreover, with Nina not paying attention to him, it only added fuel to the fire. He also felt sorry for Nash. The whole place was applauding him, yet Nina wasn't buying it.

drink?" Scott asked Nina. "They're selling bubble tea

I'm thirsty," Nina

about to leave, they suddenly heard

words, her heart skipped a beat.

"What happened? Why is

Nash noticed that she was

"I thought you're

Nina quickly

thought for a moment and quickly said, "Mr. York might

Nina was surprised. She


"Quincy, go buy some bandages!" "Okay." Quincy spotted a nearby pharmacy

looked up, "What


her eyes, his tone

Estrained, "I might have.

accidentally been scratched bl.net

just now."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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