Nash returned from outside, his expression indifferent, as he listened to others report on work. "Mr. York, everything is arranged for one o'clock in the afternoon," someone reported promptly.

Nash glanced towards Nina, who was busy nearby, and coldly called out, "Nina."

Nina hurried over, "Mr. York."

"If you're free this afternoon, come along," Nash stated bluntly.

Everyone present was surprised by his decision. This kind of task was tough and tiresome, and no woman would willingly go. It was usually assigned to men. Nina was the only woman present.

With the blazing sun outside, and considering Nina's attire - a dress and heels - it wasn't convenient for her to squat down or walk. It wasn't suitable for her to go.

But no one dared to disobey Nash's orders. Nina had to comply with the arrangement. She replied, "Alright, Mr. York."

before heading

offered to share

extra person

the afternoon, when the sun was at its peak, the sanitation workers on the streets were still busy. Nina carried the water

gratitude and thanks as she approached them. After she had handed out several boxes, one of the men passing by said, "Young lady, it's a charity event. Can you spare some water for us too?" These men were passersby, and upon

one of the men

up and down Nina's body, making her uncomfortable. She was firm in her response. "Can you read the large letters

intervened. Most of the people distributing water were men, and

causing trouble

okay?" a

distributing here, we'll call it a day," Nina replied, wiping away

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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