Upon hearing this, Linda was taken aback and instinctively took a few steps back.

"So you're saying that Nina is Nash's wife?" Linda couldn't fathom it. How could things have unfolded this way? If Nash was truly married to Nina, why was it kept a secret? Why wasn't it made public? "Yes, but please let go of my hand first," Sue withdrew her hand. "Nash is my cousin-in-law!"

Linda looked at them skeptically. "You must be lying to me. Nina is Nash's secretary, right? How did she become his wife?"

"There's nothing unbelievable about it," Lily interjected. "I witnessed it firsthand and heard it with my own ears. He even went to visit my brother, who is Nina's father."

As Linda processed their words, her initial shock slowly subsided. She concluded, "So... you didn't know either?"

Lily felt puzzled and sighed, "We only found out recently. If we had known earlier, our family would have been much richer!"

The York family even paid Zion two million in full! For ordinary families, earning two million would take several lifetimes!

too. Even if they didn't become extremely wealthy, they could have at least upgraded their living conditions with a

least held a wedding or something. We haven't even had a toast! "They got married, and despite coming from such a prominent family, none of us relatives had a clue. If we hadn't gone to visit my brother and stumbled upon them, we'd have

advantage of their family. With my nephew-in-law being so wealthy, a couple million for relatives is just pocket


close to her since childhood and was unwilling to help her. "When graduated from university and needed an internship, my cousin wouldn't let me into York Corporation. I'm her cousin, but she's wary of me.

Føvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters

properly yet. This time, he has to show me some respect. I will talk to him.

job as a university graduate was already challenging, and she didn't graduate from a prestigious school. Nowadays, with fierce competition, even graduates from top schools struggle to secure good jobs. So many people aspire to join York Corporation. If she could get in,

confident it will work!" Lily braced herself. If she didn't see results today,

their conversation, Linda understood the situation. They were Nina's cousin and aunt. Their relationship with Nina was strained, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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