"Nina, this is terrible!"

Nina had just finished fixing her outfit in the restroom when Taylor burst in, looking panicked. She asked, "What's wrong? You seem really upset."

"It's about you!"

Taylor hadn't expected something like this to happen.

"Me?" Nina was still unaware, calmly asking, "What about me?"

"Your aunt and your cousin."

Upon hearing those names, Nina's expression darkened. Just hearing those names, she knew trouble was brewing. She then saw the live stream on Taylor's phone.

to get anything from her family, they resorted to playing the

made up stories, claiming they had sacrificed everything to put her through college. After finally getting hired at this company and making progress, she turned her back on her relatives, treating her uncle and aunt as if they were insignificant. She

had used up their savings, causing her cousin to

offering any help. This caused people to perceive her as heartless and indifferent, comparing her to an ungrateful brat.

can such things still

and daughter are so unfortunate. They seem to be struggling financially, dressing so plainly. I looked up Nina online, and she dresses so lavishly and can afford designer bags.

them is astonishing!" Content

Nina. We attended the same school, although we were in different classes. I've heard rumors that she got her secretary job through connections.

of shame. If she treats her own family like this, one can only imagine how she treats

means..." Taylor was infuriated as she scrolled through the never-ending stream of comments. "These netizens

disagreed, saying, "This behavior objectifies women and shows a bias against them. Just because someone doesn't possess certain

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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