Sue added, "Yes, my parents scraped together every penny for my education because of my cousin."

In their desperate pursuit of victory, they no longer cared about making sense.

"Heartless beast!"

"Shameless scum!"

Suddenly, eggs were hurled at Nina, landing right in front of her.

Nina glanced over and saw a group of twelve people at the gate, holding eggs and vegetable leaves, all throwing them in her direction.

She quickly raised her hands to shield herself.

Witnessing this, the security personnel rushed to intervene.

"Why are you protecting her? She's just a heartless widow who breaks up other people's families! A mere secretary, nothing more than a mistress to others!" one of the egg-throwers shouted.

Nina realized that the situation was more serious than she had expected, and it seemed that they had come prepared. When Lily arrived at her door with people throwing things at her, it appeared to be orchestrated.

was clear that she wanted Nina to give in, hoping that she would succumb to the pressure of public

reporters did not shy away from the severity of the situation, asking, "Ms. Walker, is what they're saying true? Have you been involved

to remain composed. Losing her temper would only

Walker," the security replied,

grasping the gravity of the situation and understanding the potential consequences, they chose not to instigate any further trouble Nina gathered herself, preparing to confront the reporters and address the concerns that the online


the amount of money you invested in

I possibly have

in tremendous effort to raise you. Why would there be a need for a detailed record?" Nina scoffed, "As if I were her own daughter? Is this how you treat

other choice," Sue

continued, "Empty words.

over the years, you have spent

you come knocking at our

Just the other day, my dad became so furious that he fell and broke his

speaking nonsense!" Lily vehemently rejected the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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