Nina harbored suspicions and inquired, "Who was it?"

Lily froze momentarily. "I don't know her name. I didn't have the chance to ask. She's a young lady. I was so foolish. How could I believe the words of a stranger?"

Realizing she had been deceived, she cried even harder. Meanwhile, Sue couldn't bear the onslaught of insults from online users. Her face pale, she exclaimed, "I'm ruined! No company will hire me for an internship now. Nina, please help me. I won't go to York Corporation for the internship. Please clear my name. I'm not that malicious. How will I face people or find work in the future?"

Both Lily and Sue pleaded with Nina for assistance.

"Nina, I beg you. If not for me, then for your cousin. I'll kneel if I have to!" Lily understood the gravity of the situation and was willing to humble herself for her daughter's sake.

Nina remained silent. Being kind to others also meant being cruel to herself.

Witnessing their despair, Julia pulled them away. "Don't kneel. It's as if we're bullying you. You've made mistakes and now you have to face the consequences!"

Among the spectators, Linda, who had been observing the unfolding drama, was shocked by Nina's intervention. Her once pleasant face turned sour. She couldn't comprehend Nina's stroke of luck. How could things change so suddenly?

draw attention, she quickly retreated into

had provoked Nina. Now that she knew the truth, she said, "Ms. Walker, I may have offended you earlier. I didn't have all the facts, but I've already broadcasted them.

reporter continued, "And regarding the

Nina didn't bother responding.

and wanted to take people to the

the reporter chased after Nina. She didn't want to escalate the situation further, as it would damage her credibility as a reporter. It would also lead to doubts about her

take her seriously anymore.

guards. They held

were unaware of

that she would simply ignore all the grievances when under

hired us to throw

know the law.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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