"Indeed! Some people are simply born with bad intentions. Xander's death was truly tragic; he was killed by his own niece, and there is still no closure. It's really sad."

"What did the police say? Are they just going to let it go like that?"

"People die, they get buried, and that's the end of it."

"That's really unfair. One life lost, and Nina gets all the benefits!"

These comments caused Julia's face to darken. "They're crossing a line, especially considering they're relatives. Gossiping like this!"

They rarely interacted with these relatives, only exchanging greetings on formal occasions. Julia looked at Nina and said, "Nina, don't pay attention to their nonsense. Let's finish paying our respects and leave. She didn't want any trouble. If it wasn't for Nina's insistence, they wouldn't have come. Nina didn't mind, used to being talked about behind her back.

Some relatives were worse than neighbors.

here to pay respects, but to uncover the person responsible behind the scenes. As they got out of the car, everyone's gaze

glanced at Xander's funeral spot, his photo capturing

Her eyes were red with anger as she exclaimed, "Nina, how dare you show your face here? You're a murderer! If it weren't for you, Xander wouldn't have died so tragically. Why haven't

her away. Nevertheless, Nina could still see the hatred in Lily's


why everyone

She looked at Lily and calmly said, "I'm sorry for Xander's death, but I'm not the


all stood by and watched him

own flesh and blood. Couldn't you have

silently at

just shared a few pennies, this wouldn't have even happened. Your profit means more to you than one

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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