Nora was silent for a moment.Sensing that she was silent, Jimmy’s mother misunderstood.

“Is it difficult to introduce us to her? Forget it, I was just asking…”

Actually, if Jimmy coaxed Cherry, she could also pass the message to Mr.Quinn.

But this was not good.

To get Cherry to help recommend someone, they definitely had to get the approval of the parent.

After all, New York was filled with wealthy families.

No one knew who had a relationship with whom.

Children did not know the severity of the matter, and she could not ask her children to help resolve it.

Jimmy’s mother’s thoughts were simple.

Cherry might have been able to enter Quinn School of Martial Arts because of Mr.Hunt.

It had nothing to do with Miss Smith , so she couldn’t make things difficult for her.

As she was thinking about this, she heard the other party hesitate for a moment.

“It’s not that…ls something the matter?”

If she wanted her to help introduce her, she would have to explain the situation.

Otherwise, what if what they asked the Big Sister to do went against her own interests? With the most sincere attitude, Jimmy’s mother sighed.

“I want you to be magnanimous and let our Hoffman family off”


She was stunned.

“What does Quinn School of Martial Arts have to do with the Hoffmans?”

If the Hoffmans had hurt someone from Quinn School of Martial Arts, then as the Big Sister, Nora would definitely seek justice for them.

not something that could be glossed over

Nora’s impression, Quinn School of Martial

junior brothers were all strong,

of Quinn School of

say, “The thing is, isn’t Quinlan Sect’s backbone the Quinn School of Martial Arts? Forget it, Miss Smith.You’re not an outsider, I won’t beat around the bush about this.Paul Quinlan came to our house the other


capital.Quinlan Sect has provided Quinn School! of Martial Arts with a lot of money over the years, so it is a tool for Quinn School of Martial Arts to accumulate wealth outside.However, Hoffmans’ foundation in New York is that racing club.As you know, there are countless people who love racing.The wealthy and influential are all in this circle, and Hoffmans became friends with them because

Nora “ !!!”

on the phone, she suddenly

voice was very

you say? Quinn School of

Jimmy’s mother sighed.

Arts has made a lot of money using Quinlan Sect these past few years.They’re really bullying us this time! We Hoffmans can give up any other place other than the racing club, but not this racing club! Our boss has already thought about it.If Quinn School of Martial Arts

She was furious.

Quinn School of Martial Arts, but Quinlan

realized that her tone was


couldn’t control my emotions.”

Jimmy’s mother

an energetic

she would not have rushed to school to hit

most straightforward and did not

Jimmy’s mother was stunned for a moment before saying, “Miss Smith, you heard about this too,

know.’ Nora interrupted

I need to confirm the entire story.However, I can guarantee that this is definitely not the intention of Big Sister

was stunned by her

“Ah, okay, okay.”

that, Nora

stared at her phone

there was a knock

it and saw

door and sat

at her phone, he asked,

nodded in a

Jordan misunderstood.

Quinn School of Martial Arts

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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