Paul Quinlan was stunned.He turned around and saw Lucas and Nora standing there.

Lucas frowned and reprimanded, “What are you saying?”

When Paul Quinlan saw his unhappy expression, he hurriedly smiled.

“Senior Lucas, you’re back? I can’t speak, I was wrong.”

He knew that Quinn School of Martial Arts hated saying things like women and lovers.

That old man was very particular and liked to put on an act.

His words earlier were indeed a little too unpleasant.

He pretended to hit his own mouth and looked at Nora again.

“Miss Smith, don’t mind me.I just spoke without thinking.’ With that, he smiled at Jordan and Jimmy’s mother.

Jordan and Jimmy’s mother stood up and tried to see if they could get something from Lucas and Nora’s faces.

However, Nora remained calm.

Her eyes were filled with sleepiness, and no emotions could be seen.

On the other hand, Lucas’ expression was very ugly.

Did Miss Smith anger him? Jimmy’s mother clenched her fists.

Miss Smith must have spoken up for them.

Lucas was so angry because Miss Smith had delayed his business, right ? She frowned and looked at Jordan.

The two of them had been husband and wife for many years.

With one look, they understood something.

Jordan immediately said, “Mr .Lucas, don’t be angry.We’re only here to see if we can reduce our losses.After all, buying a club for five million is really no different from robbing!”

Five million? Lucas was stunned.

“Isn’t it 50 million?”

and his

unison and saw him

million yuan.Why are you guys playing the blame game now that you’re in Quinn School of Martial Arts?! Even the contract says

his back after saying those

He had buried them.

Jimmy’s mother found Quinn School of Martial Arts and Mr.Quinn said that he would chase Paul out if he made another mistake, he had thought

slander the Hoffmans and force them to sell the club

had increased by 45 million for no reason, it was worth it compared to the value of that

did not know about the casinos in racing

yuan to buy


slandering us!”

to force a sale.Logically speaking, it should be a business that we’re both

Senior Lucas is here and you guys are in Quinn School

Jimmy’s mom was furious.

million is

say that? Don’t tell me you want to raise the price again? How can

Lucas did not know the inside story

should be time for Lucas to stand up for


this, he turned his

him? Paul was stunned and immediately caught on

could react, Lucas had already

you’re the number one unofficial disciple, the Big Brother of the unofficial sect.Although Master has divided Quinn School of Martial Arts into the internal

understand why Lucas was saying all this at this moment, but he still took the opportunity to look at Jordan

an unofficial disciple, I’m not someone who can

an unofficial disciple, have a lot of weight in Quinn School of Martial Arts! Jordan

did not know what Miss Smith and Lucas were up to, so they could only

smiled, feeling that the

School of Martial Arts to oppress the Hoffmans and changing the price

could not escape the contract

of this, he heard Lucas sigh

to this,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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