Time flew.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for Mrs.Hunt’ s birthday party.

The Hunt manor’s gates were wide open.

All sorts of things were being delivered to the manor even before dawn.

All the servants were terribly busy, and the entire manor was up to their ears in work.

It had been a very long time since the Hunts last held such a big party, so everyone was busy at work.

Even Chester, the game addict, had been dragged back home as an extra pair of hands.

He stood there and directed everyone in the kitchen in their work.

I happened to see Justin walking out with Cherry when he turned.

He went after them at once and asked, “Where are you going, Justin?”

Justin glanced at him, the beauty mark at the corner of his eye gleaming with a chilly shine.

“Do I have to report my itinerary to you?” Chester shrank back.

“Of course not.’’ He looked at Cherry curiously.

“Where are you guys going, Pete?”

“To Mommy’s!” Cherry replied.

Chester looked at the two boxes in Justin’s hands.

“What are you guys delivering?”

“A dress, of course!”


Had the Andersons become so poor that they couldn’t even afford a dress for Nora? Elsewhere, Yvonne looked at herself in the mirror.

Her blue gown set off her porcelain-like skin, making her look very beautiful.

When she came down the stairs, Warren complimented her.

“You look great today, Yvonne!”

Yvonne smiled at him but said nothing.

Warren went over to her and said, “How is it? I’ve already asked around for you . Justin is wearing blue today, so you two can wear matching outfits now!”

while and then said, “I heard that Gucci has an haute

waved and said, “Tsk, I’ve already been there to borrow the gown, but they didn’t give it to me.A gown like that is the brand’s signature item and a treasure; there’s no way they’ll lend it to anyone.The

Wasn’t it all because Warren’s status wasn’t high enough that he hadn’t managed to borrow it? Had Joel been


Warren shook his head.

don’t know, he only told us to set off from home.Seems like he’s visiting

the party, it had been quite a few days since she went to the hospital to visit him, so she didn’t know how

after Warren, and both of them were very simple-minded

Warren didn’t

when they reached the cars, and they got into their

like Yvonne

Warren waved at once.

“Surely not?”

wearing, so what does she have to be dissatisfied with when you’ve already given it to her? There isn’t any girl in New York who has more prestige

laughed at

“Are you jealous?”

wouldn’t be? But her husband’s entire family was so protective of their

wife smiled and said

however, flickered a

be honest, she had actually asked the brand about the Blue Enchantress they had


didn’t need to tell

her boundaries and was always trying to

she wasn’t someone that

At the Andersons’.

“How about this?”


was held

a month for a brand to make an haute couture gown, so Nora hadn’t ordered one

that it undermined her status, so she took out her

Nora waved.

it’s fine.I’m really don’t

was thinking about it, Melissa’s voice traveled over


the stairs to see Justin placing two

here to

wearing a

on, making him look

Melissa nodded at once.

Nora? Quick,

but didn’t pick up the

gown as a gift? It’s not like you know my

“Why wouldn’t I?”

of Ms .Smith’s measurements.After all, we’re lovers, aren’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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