Florence did not notice her expression and only stared at Nora.

She wanted Nora to know who was the best in this family.

She wanted Mr.Smith’s daughter to be stronger than the daughter who had betrayed him.

Therefore, she kept criticizing and suppressing her.

Now that she had a chance to show off, she said, “Miss Yvonne, it’s an invitation, right? As I said, you definitely have no problem joining the Hacker Alliance…”

She did not notice that Yvonne’s expression was turning uglier with her words.She lowered her head and stared at the email on her phone.

The words on it were clearly reflected in her eyes.

“Sorry, your application did not pass”

She did not pass…

That was impossible! She widened her eyes in shock and stared at it in disbelief .

Her expression was too ferocious.

However, after taking a deep breath, she suppressed the astonishment and disappointment in her heart and smiled at Florence.

“No, they haven’t informed me yet! It’s another email”

Another email? Nora looked at Yvonne in amusement.

The logo of the Hacker Alliance was a black arrowhead and was unmistakable.

Although it was far away, she had just glanced at the logo.

It must have been a rejection email from the Hacker Alliance.

Tsk, this Yvonne really cared about her face.

disappointed when she heard this, nor did she think too

She simply nodded.

at horseback and archery.You

praised her, a strange

praising her to the skies.Those who don’t know might really

man with dyed blond hair walking in

quite handsome and looked a little similar

knew at a glance that he was from the Smiths,

Florence’s expression changed.


Master Smith

strange question.This is my house.Why can’t I come

Florence’s face darkened.

is Mr.Hunt’s house.Sixth Young Master, your family has already been

smiled cheekily, his blond hair glowing under the

and eldest brother didn’t chase us away.In polite terms, you’re a housekeeper, but you can also be referred to as a servant.What gives you the rights to

Florence was even angrier.

Joel do not speak to me like

wrong?” Louis touched

been this wild since I was young! No matter what, your surname is Florence while mine is Smith.Why don’t we reason with Uncle


back to collect this month’s money, right? But didn’t it go into your account? You didn’t have

Louis snorted.

can I not come back? You gave me $ 1,500

to be put on the

this for your own good.I’ve saved the rest of the money for you.I don’t want

pressure me.I know what you’re like.You must have said

Yvonne lowered her head.

admit that I was the one who said that you didn’t do your job and played games with Chester

act as if you don’t care, but who doesn’t know that you start practicing like crazy when you come back at night! When we were in school, we clearly skipped classes and played together, but you ranked at the top in your studies.If I hadn’t seen through you not sleeping at night and studying hard, I would still believe that you’re a

placed his hands

you’re planning.You just want me to give in to you, right? Dream on! Let me tell you, even if I die

other brothers were blinded by you, but I wasn’t! Hmph, you’re just an adopted daughter,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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