Facing everyone’s criticisms, Joel’s attitude remained indifferent.

These people were originally the backbone of Smith Corporation and were lan’s most capable subordinates.

They had all seen lan’s depressed state because of Yvette.

Everyone hated Yvette to the core.

Therefore, when he first found out that Nora was his cousin, Joel had to ask lan for permission before he could go and fetch her.

Joel said slowly, “Uncles, it was Uncle lan who made the decision to bring Nora home.He even went to the Hunts’ banquet personally.I’m sure you all know about this, right? Are you planning to disregard Uncle lan’s orders?”

His words silenced those people.

Joel knew that they were only there to stand up for Yvonne.

These people were actually very reasonable people.

He said sincerely, “Think about it.If Uncle lan was still awake, would he have allowed Yvonne to do such a thing?”

Would he? Of course not! lan was a very charming person.

Otherwise, he would not have let so many of them follow him his entire life.

When those people stopped talking, Granduncle said, “Hmph, you’re full of righteousness and morals.In the end, isn’t it all because you’re not lan’s biological son? I think you’re the one who instigated him to acknowledge her so that he would be angered to death.You completely control the Smiths, right? But don’t go overboard! Joel, your uncle isn’t dead yet!”

Joel couldn’t be bothered with him, but he looked at the core members of the company and said, “I’m indeed not Uncle lan’s biological son.But don’t forget that I’m still his nephew at the very least.But this woman…is not related to Uncle lan by blood at all.I’m sure you all know who is closer to Uncle lan!”

With a few words, Joel shifted the conflict.

They looked at each other and fell silent.

Yes, when they heard that Miss Yvonne had been bullied, they thought about how good lan used to be and stood up for her.

However, Joel’s words were true! The corridor suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, another set of footsteps could be heard.

saw Nora, who was being discussed by everyone,

care about the people sizing her up

at the operating theater and her gaze was a

“…How is he now?”

lan was the

have the time to bicker with these people? He directly pulled Nora aside

take a look and see if Uncle lan can still be

Nora nodded.

records and all of

confident when she

on the

Nora over

he did not expect Nora’s

He frowned and was about to speak when Yvonne’s

you plan to let Nora treat

made Joel frown

“Why not?”

was because if lan woke up, he would definitely pursue the matter! Yvonne knew lan’s character like the back of her

came to the hospital, they had already found out that lan might


Anti, be involved! Thinking about this, Yvonne took a


He frowned.

nonsense are you talking

Peace Pharmacy! It’s just a

would not take the Andersons’ medicine.Now, you actually let Nora treat him? Even if

Joel narrowed his eyes.

knew that lan did not take

eat them because

was afraid that experiencing the familiar taste

the final stage, Uncle lan had always been unwilling to take Harmonia

had a problem with it, but because

small-time broadcaster on the Internet, he

not expect Yvonne to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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