Chapter 190

At the Vanderbilt mansion…

A clear, loud slap fell on Leila’s face, putting her in a state of shock.

When Stephen found out that Leila was behind Maisie’s abduction, he shook in anger while he barked,” You horrible woman! I’ve never treated either of you badly all these years, but you! How could you do this t o Maisie while I’m still breathing!?”

Leila trembled with her hand on her cheek. She never expected the plan with Nelson to fail. It was all because of Nolan!

There was no point for Leila to explain herself, but she realized that Stephen was furious. “Listen to me, dear,”

do you have to say?” Stephen was utterly disappointed in her. “I’ve always thought that you were

why Maisie wouldn’t accept this mother-and-daughter duo. They were such cruel

sent Maisie


on the desk. “I wanted to give you another chance, but there’s no

want a divorce?” Looking at the divorce

want a divorce,” Stephen said with

spent together anymore. He had made

… I’ve been by your side for so many years and gave you a daughter. You can’t

when they had first met. Leila had

I only did it because I’ve lost my mind, but I… I never thought of putting Maisie in danger. I just wanted to threaten her. It was all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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