Chapter 217 Why was Nolan there?

Jimmy was stunned. He questioned unhappily, “W-Who are you?”

“The father of her children.”

Nolan stared coldly at him. This useless man wasn’t going to steal his woman.

Jimmy opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He was probably frozen by the coldness the man exuded.

Maisie laid in the man’s arms and put her arms around his neck. “Honey, what took you so long?” The anger that consumed Nolan when he saw her with this man disappeared when she hugged him and called him ‘honey’. He didn’t even want to question her about what was going on anymore.

Nolan put one arm around her waist and held her chin up with the other, “I wouldn’t know that someone was trying to steal my woman if I didn’t show up.”

Maisie raised her brows and played along. “Bring me home then.”


Nolan smiled.

nice to hear this woman say



man was overwhelming. Who was

In the car…

Maisie frowned. “Are you not going to let

brows. Was he going to be used just like that? It would be dumb not to take advantage

her lip. She didn’t want to look at Quincy, who was driving because she was sitting on Nolan’s lap. That was a pretty

“Who was that man?”

he was questioning her, Maisie didn’t answer


around her waist

her. She slumped on his body, stared

Vanderbilt wanted to let Linda win you over and wanted t o marry me

wasn’t happy that she was put on the spot. Madam Vanderbilt,

been careful, she would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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