Chapter 0164
“You know,” I chuckle, wiping the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand, “when I first went to

culinary school, I thought I would be facing all of these obstacles. Older men not taking me seriously,

financial issues, critics.”

“And you have faced all of that and then some,” John teases.

I nod. “Yes. But now, it’s…”


Another chuckle escapes my lips. “Yep. Truffles.”

The sizzle of the grill, the clinking of glasses from the bar, and the incessant ring of the phone in the

background merge into one big cacophony, making my head spin.

I’m metaphorically knee-deep in murky water, me ntally ticking off a never-ending list of things that need

to get done, and Karl is nowhere to be found.

“Abby, the Rosé keg just tapped out,” shouts Ethan from the front, his soft voice barely audible over the


I mutter, throwing down my order pad and darting behind the bar

this if she hadn’t walked out on me. So

new keg, my phone vibrates in my

demanding to see the

grumble as I wash my hands and hustle

smile. “Is everything all right

her pasta as if it had

I’ve ever had. It’s dry and there’s

so sorry you’re not enjoying your meal. Can

want this taken

I reply through clenched teeth. “Again, I

rush back to the kitchen, my patience wearing thin. “John, we need to remake a


kidding me. Where

the clock. It’s nearing the end of the dinner rush, and I still

phone and dial his number for

Straight to voicemail. Again.

was supposed to show up today, but he bailed. No call, no show. Just an empty spot

are scrambling to make it work,

say, throwing my apron on and washing my hands. “I’ll

and I work together on the line seems to stretch on for an eternity.

own managerial duties pull at me from every

in the middle, like an unsuspecting peasant who got

a loaf of bread.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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