
Karl and I burst into the restaurant, a gust of fresh air sweeping in with us as the door swings shut behind.

Our clothes are still wet, covered in mud, and clinging uncomfortably to our skin, but the euphoria coursing

through my veins easily overcomes any discomfort that I might be feeling. The kitchen, already in full

swing for the day, is a cacophony of noise.

John looks up from behind the line, his knife poised mid-air over a bunch of fresh herbs. His brows knit

together as he takes in our disheveled state.

“Where the hell have you both been?”

Without uttering a word, I slide my satchel off my shoulder and set it onto the counter with a triumphant

grin. My heart pounds in my chest as I untie the flap, feeling a surge of triumph course through my veins.

Enter title…

the truffles tumble out in

wide, giving him a comical look. I don’t think I’ve ever

dropped his prized

it out of the

the counter, hands trembling slightly as he picks one of the mushrooms up, bringing

carefully. “Is this… a black

eyes as I nod. “Yes,

holding his breath and staring at us,


path,” Karl starts, a tremor in his voice from the lingering adrenaline

I can tell he’s reliving it all, just like me. “Through poacher territory, believe it or

it… a cave,” I continue, feeling a

a long time to

lights, the whole setup.”

with each passing second that I tell the fragments

from poachers?” he

maybe a little more excitedly than I mean to. “Look, I know it’s

voice incredulous. “You

expression on his face. “And we almost were.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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