I look into Karl’s eyes. “What, like I did with you?” I murmur.

Karl’s eyes widen for a moment. His expression shifts from skepticism, to anger, and finally to

understanding before his gaze drops to the floor. I can tell I struck a chord with him, and maybe it’s for the

best; to remind him that I let him come here, let him walk back into my life, against all odds.

“I know it’s a risk, Karl, but what if it’s worth it?” I continue. “What if he’s exactly what we need? His

cooking is transformative, and you know as well as I do that the dishes he could help us create could be a

game-changer. I don’t just want to win the cook-off; I want to leave the judges stunned. I want them to

remember my food for the rest of their lives.”

Karl is silent for a few moments, his eyes darting back and forth as though the gears are turning in his

meets my gaze again, and there’s more

Enter title…

says, nodding. “If this is what you want, Abby,

through me, warm and reassuring. There’s a hint of something

in the cave again, too close for our own good. I have to

into my


even pay for a

least we can do if we’re going to

that’s incredibly generous of you. But you don’t

of something warm and tender in

for him, but

nod, feeling overwhelmed. “Wow… Thank you, Karl.

squeezes my arm, a sensation that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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