Chapter 2

“She couldn’t sleep because she was feeling homesick. I couldn’t just leave her like that” That was Liam the next morning trying to explain why he wasn’t in bed with me but was with her instead.

“It doesn’t matter, Liam. She’s your fated mate” i murmured and he sighed before grabbing my face and placing a kiss on my forehead.

“I’m trying to see how I can handle this okay? You promised to be with me forever, did you not?” He questioned softly and I smiled before nodding

“Keep that promise” He murmured and I nodded in reply but everything just kept going downhill from there.


m stopped spending time with me, I only saw him when he was on pack duty or when we had dinner together and even then, he spoke to the girl who I now knew as Veronica.

I moved out of our room and he spent almost all his time with her. It was like I barely existed

He had technically

cleared the thought out of my head as I prepared to go down for dinner. The only reason I was still allowed to have dinner with them is because Liam’s aunt always wanted me there. Besides Liam, she was the closest to me in this house but it was getting too suffocating here. I felt unwanted.

I took a deep breath then grabbed my phone before going downstairs.

I paused by the stairs as soon as I heard laughter coming from the dining room.

“Isn’t she amazing, mother?” I heard Liam uttered and hisother giggled.

“Sha’s delightful,” His mother replied.

“Thank you, Luna Grace,” Veronica uttered.

“Oh no call me mother, you’re technically daughter in law after all I couldn’t stand it anymore so I walked into the dining room and like always, everyone immediately went quiet but that wasn’t what shocked me the most. It was the fact that Veronica was now seated in my seat close to Liam.

smiled at Liam’s aunt, Amelia before I walked towards her


was quiet for a while till Veronica

nearly gagged.

right? I’ve heard so much about you” She uttered so sickeningly sweet that

the food, I could see the

room” Veronica murmured as she pushed her chair backwards and

w didn’t even care to hide his affection for her in

in my hands so I wouldn’t have to witness.

just tired. Can you escort me to my room? That’s if it’s okay with Clara?” Veronica muttered, turning everyone’s attention to me.


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Chapter 7

food in my throat then smiled


doesn’t matter, you’re his mate. Excuse me I uttered then pushed my chair

as I got to our… well my room now, a feeling of loneliness settled in

reminder for Liam’s love and care for me suddenly felt

for the meantime then get a job or something.


walk towards the closet to pack my

come in dear?” Amelia’s voice came through from the other

with a smile as she closed the


okay” I murmured and she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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