Chapter 20



“And not only did he let them demean me, I found out…”

“He shares his women with them. I’ve heard this story five times, Clara. It’s been a week now, wouldn’t you move on?” Aunt Amelia uttered through the phone and I huffed.

“No, because he’s a bastard and to think he still hasn’t apologized. I don’t even want his apology, he can stick it up his ass for all I care” | muttered then sighed.

Ever since that day, Damon and I hardly saw eye to eye except for the occasional dinners with his parents but after that, we’d go out separate ways without saying a word to one another and I would be lying if I say I wasn’t affected by it because I was.

“Enough of that, you’re coming to the wedding right?” Aunt Amelia questioned and I sighed.

“No Aunt, I don’t think I can watch Liam get married to someone else. That will be too much” I murmured and she sighed.

“Please dear? I miss you and I really want to see you. If it makes you feel any better, Liam and Veronica have been having problems ever

since you left” Aunt Amelia uttered and my eyes widened slightly.

“Really why?” I questioned.

“She’s just a pretty face with no brains that’s why. She literally cannot do any work and cannot fight either. She’s unfit to be Luna and Liam and everyone else is finally seeing her for who she really is. They fight literally everyday and he has moved back into your room” Aunt Amelia

informed and I frowned.

*But they are getting married in two days. If they are that unhappy with each other then…”

“He still has to marry her, Clara or a great calamity is going to befall the pack” Aunt Amelia explained and I sighed. I was in this mess with Damon because of that stupid superstition.

“I don’t know Aunt Amelia, I might…” Just then, there was a knock on my door and my heart instantly did a backflip which was weird.

“Hold on Aunt, it seems I might be getting my apology now, I uttered as I climbed out of the bed.

questioned with wide eyes as

let out a chuckle before bowing

disappointing you, were you expecting someone else?” He questioned with

snapped his fingers and two maids walked into

“What is…

you need any other thing


Mon, 1 Jul i G

Chapter 20

I muttered and


in his study, you can tell him that” Luca uttered and I glared at him. He excused himself and I sighed before closing

behind me.

at the bags and scoffed. He couldn’t even bring it to me himself. What did I even expect?

could go down for breakfast. I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a crop top that Delilah had lended me.

me some of hers because she said she was tired of me flashing her my butt.

I immediately went down for breakfast and instantly paused when I found

that hurt

about to walk away when he

you going?” He

you are not” I muttered.

and I sighed.

before sitting down

another even when the malds brought the food

didn’t say a

was he suddenly here? I have been eating breakfast and lunch alone for the past week.

he turned to me and I scoffed. There were maids around, why

“Oh like

passed your women around? Are you going to pass me around too?” I mocked and he suddenly

except you Clara” He muttered just as I was about

off and I was


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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