Chapter 23



This was unbelievable! Today was the worst day to pull this stunt. I won’t let this slide easily.

“You can’t sleep on my bed” Clara suddenly said, turning my attention to her.

“What?” I muttered as turned to her and she folded her arms.

“You can’t sleep on my bed, you’ll have to sleep on the floor. I’ll lay down a blanket for you” She murmured then walked away and I stood there for a while before letting out a scoff. The Audacity!

I watched as she laid down a blanket next to the bed and only when she was done did I walk over and lay on the bed.

“What are you doing?” She questioned and I turned to her with an innocent look.

“What?” I questioned and she groaned.

“I said you couldn’t lay on my bed” She muttered through clenched teeth and I raised an eyebrow.

“The last time I checked, this house belongs to me and so does the bed so if anything, you can’t lay on my bed. Now shut up so we can sleep and get this night over it” I muttered then closed my eyes.

“What kind of gentleman are you? You’re really going to let a lady lay on the ground?” She uttered and I opened one eye.

I murmured and she glared at me before jumping into bed and laying

we’ll both lay on the bed. Have fun listening to me snore” She muttered

gasp as she stared at me with wide eyes while I

you want to lay next to me? We are supposed to be mating, maybe I’ll just…” I trailed off as I dragged my fingers down her thighs. I was just teasing her but with the way my pants were getting tighter, it felt like I was

moved away from me and got out of the bed.

I’ll sleep on the ground!” She uttered exasperatedly

and she sighed then grumbled as she turned off the lights. I listened to her groan as she

a while, I wasn’t able to sleep because I could hear her

I was saying this but my wolf has been giving me attitude ever since spoke to Clara that way and even I was starting

the social ladder. They willingly gave themselves to those men, I was just

Jul i GB.

Chapter 23

say that earlier?” She questioned softly and

doubt that I am a bad person but if we are going to make this happy marriage couple facade possible, we have to learn how to


I chuckled.

soon, I don’t know how much longer I can

and was about to close my eyes when she

do the same. We will pretend to be a happy couple in front of everyone but when we are together, we don’t have to pretend” She murmured and I

I ordered then heard

while, her breathing got stable which meant she had fallen asleep while I laid


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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