Chapter 25



After I got dressed in Damon’s shirt, the three of us went down to the dining room and as soon as Damon’s mother saw me, she stood up and came running towards me.

“Oh honey, I heard your chosen mate rejected you yesterday. I’m sure it must have hurt a lot” She pointed out and I nodded but I had a feeling being rejected by your fated mate was much worse.

“Oh poor girl. Come sit, I made sure to have a hand in the cooking this time” She uttered and Damian groaned behind me..

Mother, are you planning on giving us food poisoning?” Damian uttered as he pulled out his chair and Sat down.

“Watch your mouth boy” His mother replied and I giggled slightly. This was the first time I’ve heard anyone use a scolding tone with him.

“You didn’t mark her” The Alpha King pointed out and everyone’s attention instantly turned to my neck and I was suddenly overwhelmed by the attention.

“Hmm” was all Damian said and the Alpha King sighed.

“You need an Heir, Damon. At your age, your mother was already pregnant with Dimitri The Alpha King uttered and my eyes widened slightly. Dimitri? This was the first time I’ve ever heard anyone talk about him and with the way everyone tensed up and glanced at Damon at the mention of his name, I had an inkling that the two weren’t on good terms.

“You couldn’t keep it in your p pants and Mom was all so willing to spread her legs for you” Damon uttered and even I was shocked by his


I will not have you disrespecting your mother” The Alpha King boomed and I reflexively bowed my head as

laugh then turned to the Alpha King and stared him right in the eye.

are you getting all worked up? It’s the truth isn’t it?” The Alpha King was about

we just eat and move on with the day?” His mother uttered and I couldn’t help but glare at Damon.

how it made others feel. His mother was honestly so sweet and I knew deep down, he cared

tried to move past it while Damon stayed quiet. I kept nudging

then did Damon look up from his food.

his shoulder. I noticed the way he terised under my touch but I didn’t

communicate but that’s something he can fix. Right hubs?”



Chapter 25


uttered and the way he said that made my

go of me. This mate pull was stronger than I thought

to see how positively you’ll Influence him” His mother uttered

wife had to leave to attend to their duties and Delilah

dismissed her.

tantrum but left

walk away

members? They all seem so nice and they care about you dearly. Don’t you think you’re being a little harsh towards them?” I uttered

personal life?”

replied and he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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