Chapter 45



“Has she settled in?” I questioned as soon as Luca walked into my office.

“Yes, she seemed to really like the house. She also wants to decorate it so I’ll have an interior designer there tomorrow” He muttered and 1 scoffed. So she really plans on staying there for a long time, huh?

“Did she ask of me?” I questioned and he slowly shook his head.

“Speak of me?”

“Not even once, Alpha” He muttered and I sighed before resting my back on my chair. I was losing my mind.

“I think there is something going on with her though, she seemed sad” Luca pointed out and I noticed that too but I can’t know if anything is wrong with her if she doesn’t say anything.

“I don’t even care anymore. Two can play that game and I am way better at it. She doesn’t want me then fine, I’ve never begged to be wanted before. In fact, if I walk out now and announce I’m single, I’ll be bombarded with women” I boasted and he scoffed.

“Maybe your Narcissism is why she doesn’t like you” He muttered to himself but I clearly heard him.

I picked up my pen and threw it at him and it missed his eye by one inch.

“Mind your tucking tone” I muttered and he bowed his head.

“Sorry Alpha, won’t happen again” Luca muttered and I sighed.

“Son!” I suddenly heard my father tell and I groaned. Here comes the nagging,

My father stormed into my office with anger in his eyes.

“What is this I’m hearing? You sent your wife away? Are you serious?” He questioned and I sighed before sending Luca away.

“We had a disagreement” I muttered and he scoffed.

have had countless disagreements but I’ve never sent her out of the house. That’s the

for Clara and I and we are nothing like you

days. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you don’t like each other” My father uttered and scoffed. That used to be the case and it

me be? I’d like to be alone” I murmured and

you don’t plan on living your married life like this? She can’t be there and you here, Damon” He uttered and

the table.

my mind, Father” i revealed, not being able to hold it back in anymore. I

retired to my room and tried forcing myself to sleep. I had an important meeting tomorrow with my stockholders and I



Tue, 2

Chapter 45


sipping on it with a book in

dining room to have breakfast. The maids brought out my morning

me. The maids served

we wait for Clara?” I uttered and was immediately slapped back to reality. She

“Erm Alpha…” Luca began.

my throat. It just felt like

a while. I got tired and stood up. Luca wasn’t done eating but he had to follow

and I took the key

driver’s seat. Luca got in seconds later and gave me a look before getting in

the car and immediately

are we going?” Luca questioned after

office? Where else?” I questioned

I stepped on the accelerator to stop

time. I parked at a corner so it wasn’t obvious we were there and


tight fitted jean and her work shirt. She looked absolutely beautiful but then again, she looked

paused and suddenly turned towards where

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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