Chapter 59



“She signed it” That was the first thing Luca said as he stormed into my office with the file in hand. He placed it on the table and to say I was shocked was an understatement.

Yes, I had

signed it and I had asked him to give it to her but I didn’t think she’d be willing to sign it off immediately like that.

“So what now? The two of you are getting a divorce?” He questioned and I stared the file with a frown.

document I was reading when Lucas banged his

“I guess so. She’s of no use to me anyway now” I muttered then tried turning back to the d fist on the table.

“You’re divorcing her over this minor issue? I know you have always had anger issues and it’s very hard for you to let go of things but you like her. Heck, she’s the first girl I’ve ever seen you obsess over and you’re just willing to throw her away because she can’t give you a child?” He questioned and I groaned.

“What else can I do? I need a blood heir, Luca and she can’t give me that. If we stay married, I’d have to take in a mistress and.

y will be your

your blood. You are

“You know for a fact that there are others way to get a blood heir. You can fucking try surrogacy and the baby going to loose the one girl you love…”

“I don’t love her, it’s this fucking mate bond…”

“Are you still going with that excuse? You love her, Damon. You’re obsessed with her if I might add and this attitude you putting up is driving her away. I’m your friend and I want what’s best for you, she’s what’s best for you so don’t push her away because of this minor issue” He murmured and I frowned.

“The deed is done, she signed it which means she doesn’t want this relationship anymore. I can’t impose on her…”

“Oh my goddess, are you just dumb or you’re just trying to get on my fucking nerves? You know what? Do whatever you want, I don’t care anymore. Don’t come to me when she has totally given up on you and has moved on. Reject the poor girl and let her be free from you” He muttered and I clenched my list.

“Watch your tone, Luca” I muttered and he stared at me for a while then scoffed.

“You know what? I’ll mind my business from now one. Do whatever you like” He muttered then walked out of the room and I didn’t stop him because I knew he was right. Heck, Luca was always right but I was stubborn.

“How could she just sign it like that huh?” I muttered then scoffed before grabbing the file and glaring at her signature.

right? I murmured as I stared at the

of my mind and focus

said, I knew my mother instantly

muttered then sighed as I stared back at the file. I haven’t been able to get anything done since this whole incident occurred because each day, I had to fight myself

the severity of her actions and the only way she’d understand was if i gave her space. Sure, the divorce papers were a



Tue, 2 Jul

Chapter 59

while I was able to

whole body was beginning to ache so I decided to

down there for about six


soon as I walked out of the office, I found Luca and Delilah talking but as soon as

judging me?”



you happy if I go see

then ran towards me

she saw the divorce papers” Delilah murmured and I placed my

was excited to see Clara and to be with her again, I made sure the excitement didn’t show

a smile on his face.

uttered and I stared

pack and that

boomed and her eyes widened before she turned

tell him?” She questioned

glared at him before hurriedly running

grab my phone.

phone and froze when I saw eight missed calls for Clara

immediately played the voice note and my blood ran

thing she said before I heard a male voice and then her scream.

hadn’t even known I was running till I heard Luca

wildly, I ran towards the car,

she tried calling me for help and

clenched around the steering wheel

drove away as fast as I could. Clara was in

of her screams over the phone echoing in my head. Shit,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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