Chapter 65


By the time I woke up, it was late at night and I couldn’t feel Damon’s presence.

“You are awake” I heard a

a quiet voice and when the speaker came into view, my eyes widened slightly. It was Damon’s mother.

I wasn’t comfortable around her anymore after finding out that she had been the first one to be against me. She had tried encouraging Damon to get another wife according to the gossip I heard from the maids.

“Do you feel better? Your phone was ringing but I didn’t want it disturbing you so I turned it off. I hope that’s okay?” She questioned and ! nodded slowly but didn’t say a word, I didn’t need to say anything because the guilty look on her face as she stared at me told me that what those Maids had said weren’t baseless rumors.

“I think I need to clear up the air with you first because I’ve not been able to look at myself in the mirror without feeling disgusted with myself. When I found out you were barren, as a mother I was angry, I was fuming with anger so I called you a gold digger and asked Damon to find himself another wife” She uttered then turned to me maybe to see if I had a reaction but I just stared blankly at her and that made her sigh

before you got married and you not telling him you were barren only made me think that you married him for money and for power so I let my anger consume me but Delilah’s words were able to get through me and I realized they I was wrong. Throughout the times I’ve spent with you and seen the way you were with my

was because I was scared he was going to leave me or reject me and I’ll be all alone. I never had a family and a family is something Iso dearly want. Coming into Damon’s life, I finally felt like I

not to feel, I’ve been forcing myself to feel numb to everything but I could feel tears brewing and very soon, I

hates betrayal more than anything and I would know that because I’m still paying for betraying him years ago. He still hasn’t been able to let go. The way he acted towards you wasn’t because he didn’t like you but because he felt betrayed by you. He was really restless and unhappy during the times you guys weren’t together but he’s a very stubborn man like his father and they don’t like showing their weakness and I’m afraid his weakness is you, Clara. He tried to fight it but he cares for you deeply even more than he cares for me, Delilah or even his father. I’m not trying to say what he did want wrong but as his mother who cares for his happiness, I’m asking you

idea how long I’ve been wanting a child and it was tragically taken

If you guys had been together, nothing like this would have happened. Yes Damon has a fault in the death of your child, we all do but you do too and I don’t think it’s fair to put the blame on him. Damon lost his child too, he’s probably already blaming



Chapter 65

widened when I saw

Amelia…” I called out softly as she rushed towards me


murmured as she cried on my shoulder and that broke the little resolve

just lost my first child, I hadn’t even gotten the chance to hold

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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