Chapter 71


My father’s punch landed on my face before I could even register it. I staggered a little but was able to stand my ground.

“You are ruining everything I ever worked forl How dare you attack the south without my fucking permission?!” He thundered and I sighed as I massaged my cheek.

“I don’t need your permission to have my revenge” I murmured and he growled.

“Before being your father, I am the Alpha King and what you have done is unacceptable and all for what?!” He yelled and I turned to him with a glare.

“They tried to have my wife killed and my unborn child died in the fucking process and you’re asking me why I did it?” I questioned and

he frowned.

“The entire south didn’t attack your wife, Damon. You could have handled the lake view pack and…”

“Well your ways of handling matters aren’t exactly the way I would handle matters. To me, the entire south went against me and that’s why I did what I did” I murmured and he scoffed in disbelief before running his fingers through his hair.

“You don’t understand the severity of your actions, Damon. Everyone already hates you and you’re giving them more reasons to” He

uttered and I shrugged.

“I never wanted them to like me, I want them to fear me and it’s working. They need to know that hurting people close to me is not an option. It was the only way” I muttered and he shook his head.

“It wasn’t the only way and you know it. You’re just looking for any fucking reason to kill” He uttered and I rolled my eyes.

avou are never going to let r

past go, are you?” I questioned.

shit like this. Do you know what

coming back and no one is in support of you becoming Alpha King. You should be trying to gain followers, not enemies” My father explained and I sighed.

if my ways aren’t like yours. I do not regret my actions and if any of them come after Clara again, I won’t just attack that region but all wolves would be held accountable” I muttered threateningly

how you expect to become Alpha King?

I’m not as lenient as you are. This is my method and you’re not going to tell me how

Yes, they might fear you but when that hatred builds up and surpasses that fear, you’ll be cornered by everyone and eventually be defeated. Think of Clara when you do stupid stuff like this, don’t you think you’re putting her in more danger this way?” He

coming for her again and I’ll show her just how much of a killer Lam” I muttered and he sighed

you have done is a great offense and you have to be punished for it unless


Chapter 71

Fuck no, I can’t leave Clara”


be used wisely. Reflect on your actions. Dismiss” He muttered then

need to be with Clara” I reasoned but he just ignored me and waved

I grunted before stomping my way out of the

corner of my eye but she didn’t

I froze when I saw

as I rushed up to her and

She murmured and I immediately softened. I smiled at her then moved a piece

all alone?” I questioned then

placed her hand on my

go home” I

and led her away before she could say anything.

the room. As soon as we walked in, for some reason my heart raced because tonight was the first

this is all about and you cannot tell me nothing” She murmured then dismissed the maids and

had to do what I had to do. Their father was the one who sent someone to kill you so I had him killed” I murmured and she paused before raising up her eyes to stare at my

She murmured and I frowned.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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