Chapter 83



I was fuming with anger as I walked out of the river. I handed the crying kid to Gwen before walking over to Clara who was shivering on the ground.

“What were you thinking? Why did you leave your guards? What if something bad happened to you? For f**k sake, Clara, you can’t even swim” I scolded her thinking about the fact that if I hadn’t shown up when I did, something bad might have happened to her.

“I didn’t mean to, I just couldn’t ignore the child. I’m sorry but I don’t regret my actions” She murmured stubbornly and I scoffed.

“You don’t because I saved you on time. What if Steven hadn’t called me immediately? You would have drowned alongside the baby” | yelled.

“What exactly should I have done? I should have left the baby there? I’m sorry if that’s what you would have done but that isn’t me and you know it. I lost a child, Damon and seeing that child row down the river brought back that feeling, I couldn’t let him die” She uttered and I immediately softened. This girl was going to be the death of me.

“Get up” I morning softly as I helped her up from the ground before wrapping my arms tightly around her.

“I almost got a heart attack when I heard you were gone C

Clara” I murmured and she sniffled.

“I agree that that was wrong and I’m sorry for worrying you, for worrying all of you. You can’t punish Steven and the rest, I snuck away” She murmured and I didn’t even acknowledge her last statement because if I were to counter it, we would get into another full blown argument.

I was paying them to always keep an eye on her and they didn’t do that so they were all going to get punished.

I pulled back slightly to check her properly if she had any injuries but luckily, there wasn’t any sign of an injury.

you catch a cold. Gwen, take the

take the little boy who had calmed down out of Gwen’s arms before

it, Clara”

a boy and

anything. There are countless orphanage homes for children like him. Let them take care of

the orphanage. He’s still a kid, he needs a mother” She argued and as if

a lot of issues

he isn’t intruding in any way. You’ll hardly even see him unless you come find me. I’ll stay at home and have the guards watch me” She uttered and

I wouldn’t mind but another person’s kid? The cries, the tantrums, can



12:00 Tue, 2 Jul

Chapter 83

a word out and I groaned when not only did she flash me the puppy dog eyes but the boy did too almost like he knew what


I uttered and a wide smile appeared on her face. She handed the boy back to Gwen before throwing

thank you” She murmured then placed her lips on mine and I immediately kissed her back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer before pulling away and resting

can take him home but I haven’t made up my mind on if we can

a loud sneeze and I instinctively wrapped my arms tighter around

Clara kept talking and playing with the boy and barely gave me any attention. I tried asking her how the days she had

to be from now on? I don’t know if i can handle it. Heck, I never knew

my arms as I stared out the window. I’ll let her give her attention to him just for today but tomorrow and forever,


a call from Steven that he couldn’t find Clara. Heck, I had almost sent an army to go find

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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