Chapter 126


What do you think? Do you think this is good enugh for the date? I want Luca to drop dead when he sees me. Are you listening to me, Clara?” Hould hear Delilah’s voice but couldn’t make out what she was saying.

By my calculations, the poison Aurora had given Damon’s mother must have taken effect and if that’s the case then I was about to get in serious trouble.

“Clara, you’re not listening to me” Delilah said then stomped her foot in the ground like a child, snapping me out of my thoughts./

“I’m sorry, I have a lot on my mind. This suits you” I told her and she frowned as she sat down next to me on the bench.

“Are you okay? You’ve been s**g out since we got here? Do you have something on your mind? Did Damon do anything?” She questioned with worry in her tone. I shook my head then

flashed her a small smile.

“It’s nothing serious, I’m just a little bit tired and my stomach hurts from all the food we ate earlier” It wasn’t a total lie, we have been walking around for hours now and my feet were killing


“Yeah you ate a lot earlier. If I didn’t know better I’d think you were pregnant” She voiced and my body tensed up immediately.

I let out an awkward laugh before deviating the topic and it seemed Delilah hadn’t noticed anything.

We shopped a little longer then left the shop and while in the car, Delilah got a call from Luca.

“Hello baby, you miss me?” She said into the phone but immediately frowned after Luca let out a sigh.

“Your mother was rushed to the hospital, Delilah. Your father said her heart stopped” He informed her and Delilah gasped as tears immediately began to stream down her cheeks.

“What? When? Why? What’s going on?” She questioned in between tears and I grabbed onto her hand to calm her down.

Luca tried calming her down and after a while, she ended the call and I immediately pulled her into her hug then told the driver to drive down to the hospital instead.

“I won’t be able to bear it if mom died, Clara. I don’t want her to die” She cried into my chest and I sighed but said nothing.

There was a little bit of traffic but soon enough, we got to the hospital and my nerves were eating me up as we were directed to where they were.


Chapter 120

get messy but there was no other

immediately ran to hug her father while I just stood there with my eyes glued on

the first to speak up

Dimitri began but she immediately interrupted

with the way things are going, she might not make it. Clara killed your mother” As

out of fear. His eyes had turned red and I knew at that moment, his wolf was in control and he wanted me

up and placed his

Alpha King

will end you regardless of who you are. Sit down and let me deal with my wife” Damon uttered but the Alpha King didn’t seem like he wanted to back


to me” Damon told him and after a while, the Alpha King’s eyes returned back to normal and he

what happened to mother?” Delilah questioned as she glanced around with confusion etched on her face but I wasn’t looking at her but


this yours?” He interrupted my words as he showed me the small container I

answered truthfully and

was in it?” He questioned and I

and everyone gasped and my




my mother?” He questioned softly and I

let out



She questioned and I bowed my heart without replying which

me but Taua was immediately there to

do this to us? Why?!” She questioned and I pursed


you promised to trust me” I reminded on as I tried

my mother and you’re asking me to trust you?”

in front of me, shielding me

Damon uttered slowly but Dimitri shook his

earning a scoff from Damon and before i could even blink, Damon had

out as Dimitri fell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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