Chapter 142


I let out an exasperated sigh before turning to Damon who was standing closely behind me.

“Can you just leave me alone for a second and stop following me around? I’m just going to pee” I said to him and he tilted his head.

“Why can’t I follow you to go pee?” He questioned like he honestly couldn’t see what was wrong and maybe if this was under normal circumstances, I won’t mind but I sure as hell did


It’s been five days since I arrived back at the pack and not once has Damon left my side or let me leave his side. No one was still allowed to see me and as much as I loved his company, I was starting to feel suffocated.

“It’s not about that. I need space, Damon” I whined and he pouted.

“You need space from me? Don’t you love me anymore?” He questioned softly and my heart immediately ached. I let out a sigh as I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

can’t keep me in here like this and keep following me like a lost

I love your

complete my sentence, he grabbed

so I was staring


know that?” He questioned softly before placing a kiss on my lips and I

for you in

on you?”

anything to bring me down and that’s why I never got attached to my family but even with them, I knew they could protect themselves but with you, you were like a light I wanted to protect. I know you probably think you can defend yourself but I don’t care about that, I want to protect you and thus, that quickly made you my weakness and now, it’s literally like you

from me again? What if my enemies succeed? That’s why it’s so hard to let you out of my sight because I won’t be able to survive it this time. I would rather die than be away from you again” He murmured and I bit my lower lip to stop myself

hormones were all over the

away, Damon? You can’t stay in here with me forever, you have to do something before they all start to attack. I’m your wife, Damon and I’m going to stand beside you, fight beside you. I’m stronger than you think” I told him

before due to something like this. I cannot

King, I’m going to become your Queen Luna and with that title comes responsibility. These are my people, Damon and I choose to fight for them” I explained but that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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