Chapter 972 Take The Punishment


Kenneth shook his head in disappointment. “Sky Devourer Lord, I thought you were a man of great vision. It’s surprising to see you stoop to bickering with insignificant people… Oh, I almost forgot. You’re just an insignificant figure, too. It’s just that your reputation is a bit more prominent than the average insignificant figure, that’s all!”

“Yeah, I lack vision. However, since you’re so visionary, why don’t you take the punishment for your dog?” After finishing his words, Emrys suddenly took a swift step forward, instantly closing the distance between him and Kenneth.

Raising his hand, he prepared to deliver a slap.

Kenneth reacted swiftly, quickly dodging to the side. However, his action inadvertently exposed Wayne behind him. In the end, Emrys‘ slap still landed on Wayne’s face.


The force behind that slap was significantly greater than before. It was so powerful that it skewed Wayne’s mouth, leaving him whimpering incoherently, unable to form any words.

Emrys looked at Kenneth, scoffing as he said, “What did you dodge? With your stature, taking a hit for your dog shouldn’t be a big deal, right?”

“This isn’t how you should do things, Sky Devourer Lord. You’re simply being unreasonable!”

Upon seeing Emrys resort to physical action without much provocation, Kenneth couldn’t hold back anymore. His facade finally fell apart, revealing a hint of gloom. He declared, “You will certainly pay for your recklessness!”

Kenneth’s waist, a katana was diagonally sheathed. At that moment, he drew one of them out. His body

at the katana in his hand and asked, “Didn’t I hear that your Xanthos family has a few katanas that

worthy of me

katana was abruptly thrust toward Emrys‘

moment Kenneth crouched down, assuming an offensive stance, to the instance he thrust out his katana, it

it been anyone else, they simply wouldn’t have been able


641 +0

= 1


972 Take The Punishment

be bothered to.

made a move at all, so, quite naturally, the

then came to a halt,

his standing position had changed. It looked as if he had teleported, indicating the


see clearly how exactly Kenneth made his move, but they were not

were aware of Kenneth’s formidable strength, so they were not surprised.

taken aback because of how pathetic Sky Devourer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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