Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 8

Dylan POV.

I took a small step backwards causing a small growl to come from the kings chest. I took another step back and he stopped in his tracks staring at my form. His eyes raked up and down my body landing on my bare arms, he frowned at my uniform then turned to our principal to say something. I didn’t hear what he said but I used his distraction as an opportunity to run.

I quickly turned on my heels and began sprinting down the hall, Another loud growl shot through the school, so much so that you could almost feel the lockers shaking. The only thing coursing through me was fear. I ran straight to the window, and quickly began fumbling with the lock, I opened the window and went to jump out, unsure about where I would go, or even if I would survive the fall, however my foot was caught by two of the kings men, my front slammed onto the floor and my hands slapped the wooden tiles as I went down, letting an audible Ooof leave me, and they dragged me by my ankles back to the hall full of students and threw me at the kings feet.

“Perhaps we could discuss this in my office, your gra…” I shook my head at the principal before standing up, darting my sight round trying to find an escape route.

“I’m not discussing anything, let me go! A loud grow! sounded out again as I wiggled and yelled in the second man’s grip as he grabbed my upper arms firmly.

I’m not going to lie, this situation is far from ideal. I stepped on the second man’s foot instinctively hard and felt his grip leave me a small grunt left his mouth just as the third wolf tackled me to the ground and pinned me there.

“Get the f**k off me!” I felt myself being lifted and hurled over a very hard shoulder while I kicked and shouted.

someone please explain what is happening. Miss Riley is a student in my school and… the principal was cut off with a growl from the wolf man holding me hostage.

“Matters of the royal court do not concem any of you.” The king snapped while walking towards the man who’s shoulder I was over, as I continued to shout obscenities.

mean everyone knows the principal hated me, and yet here he was, standing up to the wolf

had spoke had me freeze my entire body, my

as I could and pushed off the wolfs shoulder, my body suddenly crashed to

jolt of pain to shoot through me.

holding me was cut off as a loud crack sounded through the hall, he fell next to me, the king had just hit his own

me out of school! You don’t have the authority.” I

a bit of both, but I do know I’d rather die than have a mate. Especially one that’s the


Chapter 8

suggest that we go to the office and discuss this rationally and privately, e do you plan on diving out of the window again?” The

stifle a cmilië se 1 stared at him, I was being genuinely serion although I don t think he knew that because former lay in

answer when another growt sounded through school, the alpha king came storming closer to me, causing me to tense op while still

on the floor.

face as he walked over to me. I shuffled on my a**, but didn’t get far as the third wolf stood directly behind me. The second my back hit

me and crouched down in front, his eyes studied my fa

done for

Chapter Comments


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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