Chapter 20

Dylan POV

It was a small knock on the door, that seemed to wake me from my sleep. I groaned as I sat up, realizing I had slept crumpled up on the solid floor. My entire body ached as I forced myself to stand, I walked over to a small mirror and looked at my face, I barely even recognized the girl staring back at me. My eyes were bloodshot and puffy, and my cheeks and forehead were dirty, I had a large scabby cut on my forehead where I had hit it on the floor during my abduction yesterday, and my left cheek bone had a rather large bruise forming from where the King had slapped me a billion and one times.

I heard another knock and my head snapped to it as the lock was turned, the door was then opened and my eyes widened. Within a second four of the ladies from Yesterday in the line up walked in with a rack full of weird dresses, a black bag under arm and a large sliver box.

“Sorry to disturb you, your majesty, but we have a lot to do to get you ready for lunch this afternoon.” I honestly don’t remember anyone’s name. I’m hoping this will go quick.

I immediately felt something wran around my waist. “What the f**k.” I looked down and noticed the grey haired lady taking my measurements as at lady began to fiddle with my hair. “No no… No no.” I quickly stepped away from

all of them before looking around the room. There was literally no escape options whatsoever.

we have had orders and…” I cut her off quickly, appealing to what I hope is

royal.” I snapped causing all of their faces to drop suddenly. I let a frustrated huff before flopping on the bed face first. I screamed into the fabric before feeling someone lift

of the handmaidens set to work before I looked up. “I know you don’t exactly like this situation, your majesty, but you are the Kings mate, therefore you have certain obligations. Having lunch with his family is

even reply I was being dragged into my shared bathroom. I was forced into the full bathtub naked, And

dresses!” I tried to keep their wandering hands off me but my **s were now being groped as they were shoved into the dress. Finally the back of the dress was pulled tightly together and fastened at the

be required to wear gowns like this everyday, I suggest you get used to it quickly.” The grey haired lady

I have to wear this for a stupid lunch anyway? The kings already seen me in my school uniform, so I don’t see the issue.” I was beyond confused by what was going on, I

furnace.” The older lady held out my uniform to a


Chapter 20

Harriet walk away with my uniform in hand. Thank god I took


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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