Chapter 25

Dylan POV,

1 coughed and tried to stand but my legs were like jelly, my chest ached as I tried to get more oxygen in my lungs and


my hand carefully wrapped around my sore neck, trying to soothe it.

A little more than a minute went by before the door to the room was opened again and Beta Lewis walked in, he didn’t comment once on what happened he just walked over to me and held his hand out for me to take. I hesitantly gripped his hand and used his strength to help me up, I almost fell down again instantly but Lewis held me up gently.

“Are you ok?” He asked quietly as his finger ever so slightly touched my neck. I nodded my head and averted my heavy eyes away from him as he held half of my weight. “Come on.” He whispered, “let’s get you back to your room.”

We walked a little before I finally said something he wasn’t expecting. Thank you.” My voice was strained from the pressure my neck endur it I managed to talk. He looked a little stunned but I did have to thank him. “Thank you for persuading the kin

as he helped me up the stairs, half my weight was on

half carried me

“The king isn’t the nicest man. I’m not even sure if he

“Try and get some sleep, you will be getting presented to the entire world later, and you kinda look like crap.” He chuckled causing me to

have a ally here, Lewis is a ok man, and I need all the help I can get. Now I just need to figure out how I’m going to

leaving me to my thoughts. I climbed out of my destroyed green dress and curled up on the soft mattress in just my panties, we

that I have a uniform

closed my eyes

comfortable, but my mind was too active. Eventually the staff appointed

the wanted.

had long sleeves, the fabric also covered my neck making me think the king had bruised it badly. It’s funny how my

face and covered it with a fresh design. Once

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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