Chapter 36

“Get off me!” I shouted but it was futile I was escorted into the darkest section of the palace, it had rooms with steel doors all along the corridor. I was taken to the 14th door, which was opened and I was thrown in.

The room was dark and the bed was nothing but a sheet on a metal table. The second the men threw my form. I slapped on the floor. My hands and knees scraped, my already damaged knuckle shot with pain, and my head was pounding. I quickly scrambled onto my shaky legs and went to run to the door just as it closed.

“NO! Let me out! Don’t leave me down here…” I banged on the metal and tried to open it but it was no use, I heard the locks click and realized that I was completely trapped. If I don’t let him mark me then it’s going to get a lot worse for me. “HEY! LET ME OUT!”

I heard footsteps retreating and felt my hope fleeting with it.

“FUCKERS!” I gave one final bang on the door before sliding my back down it. I bunched my knees together and cuddled myself, as I looked around the damp room.

“It’s no use!” I jumped out of my skin when a mans voice filled the cell. My head turned to my left and I noticed a rugged looking man peering into my room through a set of bars at the top of the wall on my left.

out is either death or being lucky enough to be let out.” He was definitely latino so I would probably

He gave a long whistle before speaking once more. “Jeez, who did you piss off, niña, you look like ya took one

stated, he was thin, his cheek bones and shoulders were very prominent and his brown potato sack top hung off

showing my face to him properly. “So… are you gonna tell me who you pissed off?” 1 sighed contemplating weather to tell him or to keep it to myself, in the

mans face to hold shock, he then chuckled and

and raised my eyebrows in sarcasm. *I like you niña. You remind me of my daughter” He had a kid, I smiled at him

He smiled

track of the days down here.” His eyes flashed in sadness, and sorrow quickly took over his features, a sorrow that I have seen many times


with her.” As quick


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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