Chapter 50

Dylan POV

“Miss Riley?!” My head met that of the royal family as they all stared at me while we sat and ate our breakfast. Did someone ask a question or something? I suppose I was falling asleep at the table, I hadn’t slept a wink last night after the latest rape 1 was subjected too. It was made worse when I got my period this morning, although it was somewhat of a relief that I wasn’t pregnant with that bastards child, besides, I’m lucky, maybe his swimmers are low. I mean he’s been raping me unprotected since I arrived here, it’s honestly a miracle that I’ve had no permanent consequences.

“When will you both complete the mating ritual?” The king had mentioned many times while I resided in the dungeon that the dowager queen was getting antsy. He kept telling me to let him mark me, but as I have stated many times before, I would rather die.

“Oh I imagine it’ll be done by the end of the five year anniversary celebrations.” My eyes widened at this, he was delusional if he thought we were ever going to be mated. “We have already performed the most difficult part, we

just need to do it after she has been marked.”

“Josh… you know these topics of conversation aren’t fit for the table. Poor Young Dylan hasn’t even seen the castle yet. I believe a tour would be lovely for her. A tour? The kings grandfather had a point, the only tour I had gotten was on my first day here and even that was mediocre at best. Did I really want to see the entirety of a castle I wouldn’t be in for much longer?

“You know I have duties to attend to today.” The king snapped at his grandfather awfully, and yet the old mant simply smiled.

can handle your affairs alone.” I honestly didn’t mind beta Lewis, he was definitely one of the kinder wolves that lived

I make preparations for her punishment.” I didn’t speak, I just continued to eat my rather bland oatmeal, while the wolves had pancakes,

will see you this afternoon for your punishment. He placed a kiss on my head


“How are

I would just get off worse than I already got. I shrugged

head, before standing up on wobbly legs. The old wolf smiled at me before stopping me

grandson ruin that.

didn’t sleep great last night.” The old man smiled sadly and


knowing way.

was right. “Sir is very formal, you live here now, please just call me


reveal Beta Lewis, he looked regally dressed, as if he was supposed to be doing some stupid royal business, I looked at his face

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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