Chapter 57

Dylan POV

I was weak, I knew that and with every stroke of the whip my energy depleted drastically.

Hit after hit, the king allowed my torture to continue. After 15 strikes I finally let my tears fall, unable to keep them in any longer. I hated crying in front of people, it was a weakness that could bring joy to your enemies, but I was experiencing far too much. I knew I could do this though, I could endure anything I had to because I knew nothing would be as bad as being marked, and mated to such a cruel beast.

After roughly 30 1 lost consciousness for about 5 minutes, before he continued. After over 60 I met darkness again, this time for much longer, I was woken by water being thrown over me, by the time it dripped off me and reached the ground it was tinged red. My back poured with blood, my breath was erratic, my lungs stung from lack of oxygen, and my throat burnt from the screams that left it. Sweat poured off me as I feared the death that was so very near, I was too exhausted, I knew that. The injury’s themselves weren’t fatal but if the king didn’t stop soon, my body would go into shock, I could feel it.

The men holding me let my arms go I don’t know why they suddenly dropped me but I fell to my stomach instantly, only to have the lashings continue while I lay on the floor. I wiggled to try and get away but my energy was decreasing rapidly.

“Son, it has been an hour, if you continue she will die, most of the media have gone. This ends now.” Even the kings dad knew when to stop, not that king Josh listened. I thought it had gone quiet, I guess even the press couldn’t stomach what was being done to me. Either that or they just got bored.

“YOU DO NOT GET TO COMMAND ME!” The king had absolutely lost it, I hadn’t realised that he was completely psychotic, sociopathic yes, but not psychotic. He walked around me and grabbed a fist full of my water and sweat soaked hair, he used it to pull my head up roughly so he could look me in the eye. “Do you accept my mark?!”

still I managed to horsely whisper a single word, and he wasn’t happy at all with it. “Never!” He let my hair go causing my head

of consciousness a third time, only this time I very much welcomed death. Maybe I would

My body was suddenly very gently lifted into the bridal position, and loud cries came from my half conscious state at

torturous sensation that followed.

the kindest wolves in this palace. Was he there watching the entire

bought back in the hospital wing, there was a lot of scurrying around as I was placed on a soft surface, laid out on

the damage.” Wait, why was the royal beta listening to this stupid doctor? After a minute I felt movement on my left arm before the burn had set in once again. The

energy to question his motives though, as my back suddenly began stinging, the doctor must

then exhaustion, pain and shock would have killed

informal with each other, but I wasn’t complaining, my body was feeling slightly

refusing him. I have to tell him, I can’t keep standing by and watching him torture her. She doesn’t deserve it” I heard a crash and a grunt of rage before a small sharp prick was felt in

you both. Just be her support, that’s what she needs more than anything.” My hearing muffled and I felt myself slowly but surly drifting off into a painless drug induced sleep, however

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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