Chapter 73

Dylan POV

It had now been three weeks since the king had left for Australia, I hadn’t heard any word of him, or from him at all in that time and I was becoming much more at case because of it.

I know for a fact Lewis kept recieving mind links from him, as we’d be just starting to get closer again before his eyes would cloud over and once he’d regained his focus, he would immediately make space between us. Not that I bothered too much, Lewis was keeping the kings information and orders to himself and for that I was silently grateful.

Dancing was really becoming casier, every single time I’d practice with Lewis I’d get just a little bit better. I’d become a lot more fluent with my moves, and I’d even received a very small amount of praise from the queen herself, I was shocked to say the least.

I was currently in the library, Lewis had just stepped out leaving me with a palace guard whose name I did not. know. I was sat, on the comfortable sofa with an extremely thick, leather bound book written by the very first king of the lycanthrope. His words were dreary and the book was long, I was only 11 pages into it and already I wanted to tear my hair out.

Essentially the thing was a diary, explicitly talking about his change as a wolf, and his rule, there were at least a dozen of the exact same book, written over different years of his reign. As much as this book was sucking the life out of me, I had to read it, I had to know if there was a way to return the wolf gift, if a human was capable of being turned into a wolf then it only stands to reason that the possibility of a wolf transforming back into a plain human is applicable. It’s simply a case of reverse engineering. I just had to figure out exactly how the first wolf came to be, and not base my theories on some stupid, non existent goddess the queen told me about. It was too improbable.

My head raised slightly to regard the beta, who had now just entered through the library’s door holding two glasses of water. He quickly dismissed the guard he’d asked to watch over me and waited until he’d left the room, before closing

the same line I had now read four times already. “The first king was the most boring person I’ve ever heard about. How he even had the time to write all this is completely beyond

the sofa opposite me, placing both glasses on the table in front of us, our positions were ones of familiarity between us at this stage, the beta was very aware

least an hour in the confinement’s

At least I made it further than he did. Perhaps I would skip the first book, and see the second one began, that would save

Oh wher?

my willingness to read them wouldn’t come into conversation. I bit my lip


Chapter 73

being hurt more.” I was a smooth liar by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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