Chapter 81

Dylan POV

I was angry! Of course I was angry, every single time I felt like I was finally doing something right, reality would come crashing down on me in waves and I ended up in pain.

The pain emitting from my jaw was horrendous, as I bit down on Carlos’s handkerchief. I hadn’t had any sort of tooth ache since I was a child, not that I could have gone to the dentist anyway, nowadays you either suck it up or you lose the tooth. There was no other treatment. I had no doubt in my mind that the gap that now occupied my mouth was still bleeding, as I stormed through the hallways towards the palaces hospital wing.

Every hallway we walked through, images of the king and his stupid family rested. The walls were adjourned with pictures and paintings of the regal family, and with every image 1 past, my anger only grew.

canvas as she did in person. Her hair placed so perfectly that not a single loose strand could be spotted. On top of her head sat a rather obnoxiously over the top tiara, and she was sat in a seat made of

loud grunt of anger while looking at it. I would never be that perfect, I was too damaged. My body was horribly scarred, my resolve was being slowly chipped away, every single day, and now my teeth

frame up and widened my eyes as it had actually moved. I wasn’t exactly planning on that working. The entire portrait quickly lost its grip on the nail connecting it to the wall and so it went tumbling to the ground with a deafening crash. The frame quickly cracked and splintered off onto the floor around it

could just walk away, it would simply look like it had suddenly and unexpectedly just fallen off. So instead of acknowledging the

anything about it, which I was grateful

was getting on to evening time. I was getting hungry, which is a feeling I was definitely getting used to and didn’t really matter as I knew exactly what I’d be getting for dinner, and that was soup. It was all different flavors,

I nodded my head and a sigh raked through me. Even the hospital wing was getting to be a place of nightmares because I

knocked out, there’s still some left in her gum that needs removing. Beta lewis explained as he gestured

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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