Chapter 85

Dylan POV.

I couldn’t do anything but stand and watch as King Josh stalked towards me, all of my resilience completely dissolved upon seeing him, and with it my body began to tremble. I instantly got on my knee in a very low bow, and waited until he was directly in front of me.

“I asked you a question… Did you miss me?!‘ His tone was deadly as he looked down on my shaking form, he let out a scoff before my shoulders were grabbed and I was hauled up on to my feet, he quickly pressed his nose into my neck, and took a long inhale. Obviously he was taking my scent in. He let out a hum of satisfaction before his claws grew and dug into the skin on my upper arms causing me to wince in pain. “No, I don’t suppose you have, have you?!”

I swallowed thickly as my eyes darted around the room, Oliver was there, along with the kings father and of course Warren. The one person I wished to see however wasn’t present in the room, and because of Lewis’s absence a sinking feeling began in my chest.

“W–When did you get back?” 1 stuttered slightly as 1 spoke, he wasn’t best pleased with me answering him with a question of my own because his grip tightened.

“You absolutely reek of him!” What, I reek of him? Him Who? The king look positively furious the more he glared at me. “A month… I’ve been gone an entire month, and you’ve been with another man.. my beta no less!” Been with his beta? Did he actually think I’d had sex with Lewis?

ran away with me, I guess having a month of respite had made me

circumstances. The dowager king spoke as he looked at me, I hadn’t felt that scared in a month, but standing in the throne room with all the wolves was terrifying. I was just waiting for a slap, or some kind of physical pain. I knew couldn’t

from the force and I trip and fell onto my dress cladded bottom. I felt blood

can.” What? That’s not trar, I mean sure there are some people who’d cheat on their partner,

was still dripping down my arms, and fear was rising in me. I hated this man,

were doing? You slept with him to get back at me for punishing you?!” I shook my head no at him, his tone was getting

made his mind up and nothing was going to sway him. Maybe he was trying to find a reason to punish me. I’ve thought it before, that he enjoys seeing me hurt. “Honestly, After everything you have put me through, I’d be lucky if I could even kiss another guy without having a panic attack!‘ I somewhat mumbled but he heard it anyway and it caused the rest of the men to look on at me, I could have sworn I saw guilt flash across Oliver’s face but it could have just been my eyes playing

the way his eyes bored into my own, I was getting increasingly worried about

the only person that can calm me down.” The kings eyes grew even darker as he took hold

I was basically a rag doll to him. “Are you fucking in love with him or something?” That was a trick question, I’d seen him ask questions like this before, no matter what my answer would be, weather it be denial or acceptance, I’d still get tortured. If I said no, I’d get punished for what the king would

you asked him too.” Oliver

Chapter 85

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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