Chapter 106

Dylan POV

The pain that shot through me at King Josh’s anger was intense, and the entire room went silent because of it.

Blood quickly began to trickle from my hand onto the table cloth, and my breath halted completely as I tried not to scream out. My right fist slammed onto the table loudly, and only a single time as an immediate reaction to the pain, my eyebrows furrowed in agony and my lips parted, but no sound escaped me. I’d stopped breathing entirely as I tried to focus on getting used to the new sensation of torment, my face must have been extremely red, and a small sound came from me as 1 forced myself to breathe in. There was so much tension in my throat and neck that it made a strained and raspy gasp escape my lips.

I looked slowly down at my now damaged hand and saw the kings fork deeply embedded into the flesh. I felt my stomach churn slightly but swallowed it down knowing I had a hundred eyes on me. The man doesn’t think about anything when he has his outbursts. The fork I was looking at but not completely seeing was the one he’d been using to eat his meal, bits of saliva and remnants of pasta sauce would have been present on the prongs that had now deeply broken my skin, I could’ve quite easily got an infection or worse from this stupid idiotic man.

My mind was reeling as I stared at the metal. I knew the torturous utensil couldn’t stay poking out of my hand and so, I let adrenaline take over me, and without thinking too much about it, I moved my now excessively shaking good hand towards the object of impalement.

I grasped the steel handle and pulled it out with the strongest pull I could muster. It flew out of my flesh and clattered on the table as my face scrunched up even mare in torture from the sensation. Instantly the bleeding got worse and began to pour out of the wound. I pulled my hand into my chest, applying pressure by wrapping my good hand around it, only now my right hand was covered in blood too.

refused to meet anyone’s eyes as I finally let out my shaky breath and began

off the man and firmly wrapped it around my palm with a wince, instantly the white was stained red

nowhere, and I was expecting to take punishment if Erin wouldn’t. “You said

king stated as his fingers snapped at the human on pack duty. “Bring it… the poor man scurried off into the kitchen so fast I’m surprised he didn’t slip. The king then leaned in close to my car and whispered causing a disgusted shiver

and everyone quickly began to enjoy their Individual slices of cheesecake in silence, unable to form any sort of words given the situation. In honesty the king did stick to his word and offered me a forkful of his, however I did not accept it, I wasn’t going

to the office?” The curriculum? What was he planning in regards to education? I was going to ask, but the throbbing in my hand made me reevaluate the result of my question, and so



ranks had left the rest of the wolves followed until it was simply everyone my age. Nick was quick to walk up to me and take my le hand in his, I winced at the movement as he slowly uncovered

all the time?” Nick asked horrified at the sight of four bleeding holes embedded into my skin. I shrugged and snatched my hand away from my old

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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