Chapter 108

Nick PDV

Dylan had been back for three days, she had been going to school with me, Arya, Adrien and his mate, Jana for the entirety of those three days, much to her confusion. In fact no one knew why she was spending her days in the classrooms with everyone else, it was unfair really, if she actually ever did manage to retain the information given to her during lesson she would just forget it all again after her and King Josh left for the next district.

I personally didn’t understand how she was still so vibrant, if I’m being honest. She still laughed with her stomach at things that were funny, she still talked back to the teachers, and most importantly she still stood up against the lycans, despite getting consistently beaten by King Josh anytime she speaks.

The most shocking turn of events, is king Josh’s treatment of her… She’s his mate, his other half, like Arya to me only his temper towards her is appalling, I’ve even heard the schools principal saying so this week.

has said it before, her attitude changed though as soon as Dylan saved her from punishment a few days ago, hat rejection or not, no one should ever treat a person

eyes can see she truly is

other was this empty shell of emotion, the Dylan that starts trembling when the king appears, the one whose eyes can’t hide the terror running through her body at

the past, and despite everything that had happened in the last five years, Dylan had never been afraid of the lycans, sure she never liked getting punished, but the thought of

the last few months that she’s been away, but I do know Dylan, I know that before his grace, she would have stood up to everyone and anyone that had something to do with the oppression of our kind. So seeing her cower before the king, and watching her flinch in anticipation of pain every

rational fear of him,

were currently all sat around the table, everyone was tucking into individual pieces of pie, everyone except Dylan. She was sat on a chair that was leant against the wall, her head was hack and she was staring at the ceiling. Out of curiosity I followed her gaze and

by looking at the dark bags under her eyes, her skin held a dullness to it that she had never had before, and the plethora of scars that subtly pocked out from under her clothes were enough to make anyone’s stomach chum. She had been through so much, and I strongly believe it wasn’t going to get any easier for her, especially now that the 5

Arya, King Joshua has asked if you would provide queen Dylan with a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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