Chapter 119

Dylan POV

I only found out this morning that the king never returned to the pack house after last night and that he had in fact, left the district entirely. Why he left me here alone was beyond me, however I was hardly complaining.

1 sat curled up on an armchair in the sitting room, waiting for the alphas children to head off to school with their mates, I was exhausted. For most of the night I was laying awake, just waiting for his grace to return to continue my misery, my speech playing on my mind far too much for me to get any respite. I’m surprised the pack even kept me in the room, I thought I’d be marched straight to the dungeons. So I was awake, but at least I was left in comfort.

“You ready?” My head met that of Adrian and Jana, a frown quickly took over my features as I looked at them. I had washed up, and was dressed, but I honestly didn’t think I’d be going to school today,

his eyebrow at my question before looking around at the plethora of wolves darting backwards and forwards, and in and out of

then… Nope! I cut him off quickly and stood

wrapped around Aryas. My sight quickly met Adrian again

down today, after last nights events I imagine you’d want to stay away from trouble. My left eyebrow lifted slightly in amusement and a mumble of words came out, I did keep forgetting that I was in a house full of wolves though, wolves that

allowing my lips to fold over my teeth in panic. A few sniggers met my ears from the people my age

known, I even saw the glow of his eyes reflected in Adrian’s orbs. “Make sure her grace returns directly back here!” He gave

just shrugged. I suppose in a strange way, I did wish for death to

day pretty much had no incidents which I found to be very odd. I thought I’d face some sort of repercussions for my words and actions at the announcement

pack house after school, and my longing to see my family only grew. I missed them more than anything, I needed to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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