Chapter 122

Warning. This chapter includes scenes of distressing nature, reader discretion is advised

Dylan POV.

My world shattered before me as I stared at my bloodied king, his face held nothing, there was no regret, no remorse, not even sympathy for me, Nothing! He didn’t even look happy, he just stared at me, there was something in his eyes, but my mind was reeling so much that I just couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly.

“You’re lying!” I could feel my eyes beginning to well up as I tried to take a step away from the royal, I pulled my arm away from him, but his grip held my pathetically weak wrist too firmly.

“Your attitude had to be stopped, my queen. Every time you took punishment it only grew, I had to get through to you, I had to make you see.” I just shook my head rapidly, my brain couldn’t comprehend his words.

apprehended limb to pull

though, I just couldn’t so I quickly and frantically

it to fall on deaf ears. Nothing was working, and so with all the courage and strength I had, 1 bought my slender palm up to his face and slapped the kings cheek as hard as I could. Gasps sounded throughout the room, and the kings grip loosened in surprise. My left palm now took on a burning, stinging pain but I didn’t care. I was away from him. I didn’t hesitate in my movements as I charged out of the room and through the pack house. My extremely thin legs flailed about as I ran with a

apprehend me. Perhaps it was an order, I wouldn’t get far before the king would catch up to me,

the taste of metal hit my senses as I pushed and pushed myself to get to the human district. By the time I got there I could barely stand. My body giving in on me as

the same ones a child would get

crowed stood outside was large, heads were hung low, and audible crying was filling the otherwise completely silent

and I simply fell back down, I saw some people move slightly to aid me but I shook my head. Using an untapped source of energy, I ordered my exhausted body to crawl forward. The gravel of the sidewalk I was on slowly turned into grass of the front lawn, and as I continued to wheeze and pant, the lawn slowly turned into

rested there, their back facing my form, the foul taste and smell forced a strong gag to leave my mouth, the deafening sound of silence caused my ears to ring, and the sight

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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