DChapter 134

ylan POV

“Why do you smell different? The kings voice boomed out from over the room as I made my way back into the pack house. Shit, did I really smell that different from before? I needed to play it off and so I shrugged but cringed as his grace stalked over to me.

“I’ve been in the human district all day, what do you expect?” My attitude was rather flippant, and honestly I surprised myself. I genuinely didn’t think I still had it in me. I did however feel nothing but panic sweep over me as the king pulled me into his body and inhaled, I still felt those vile sparks shooting up my flesh but even I must admit, they had certainly lessened, I wonder if they had also changed for his grace.

“I thought you were going to quell this attitude of yours. Or must I find yet another way to… He practically whisper yelled down my ear as his grip on my wrist tightened. I cut his words off though, too worried to hear what else he was going to say. My little speech at the public announcement the other day really had set him on edge,

“You don’t need to do anything, your grace. I am yours…” the words tasted bitter on my tongue and left a hollow feeling in my stomach but they did their desired job. His death grip loosened and he placed a single kiss on my forehead.

“That you are…” I felt sick to my stomach as he wrapped his arm around me, as if he was truly a partner I had chosen of my own volition. His smile was bright as he held me in front of everyone present within the pack house. ‘It feels amazing to hear you say that after so long. Now go and wash those scents off. I wish to spend the night with my mate.‘ I gulped loudly as I thought about what was to come, however I also knew that if I were to not do as the king demanded, my night, would be a hell of a lot worse.

The next morning I woke up to my body feeling strangely heavy, my head felt as if it were not attached to my body and my limbs seemed to emit a strange sort of pins and needles sensation.

I was sore from the previous nights bedtime activities however my malnourishment was at the forefront of my mind as I realized it had finally caught up to me.

I swung my legs off the bed and stood up only for the room to begin to spin and for my body to sway and fall back onto the bed. I swallowed and closed my eyes allowing myself a moment to gather my strength before attempting to join his grace in going downstairs for breakfast.

understand one of the conversations that was happening around me, although my brain was unable to comprehend a single one, and to make matters even worse, my period was late. Just over a week late, I was

simply nodded at his words. I only understood a few of them, but I had to at least acknowledge that I had heard him. I felt a kiss on my head and sighed at the disgusting shiver that raked through my body at

some food?” I really needed it this time, I needed sugar, I needed my head to stop feeling as if it

desire.” He answered my question so nonchalantly that it was almost as if he was just answering me to pacify me. He had also said the same sentence so many times that at this point you could

mates to the school. I felt my legs moving but today just

reflex at Nicks question, he obviously could see that I wasn’t, which is why he asked me in the first place. I quickly made my way to the bathroom and splashed my face with some water before looking at my

I had a small bruise on my cheek bone, and my weight really was non existent. I was a walking talking skeleton, except today, I actually felt like one. I was severely

grief I felt from my mother was like the icing on the cake of misery that had been baked solely for me. I couldn’t help but stare at my reflection, feeling nothing but regret

be doing lately, when a huge light suddenly blinded me from the mirror. It knocked me completely off kilter and I


Chapter 134

was able to distinguish the shapes in the bathroom again I stood up and raced to the mirror glaring


blue pen of graffiti still rested on the right hand corner, and the small crack down the center still lay unmoved. What the fuck was that? Was

me. My entire situation was just getting too weird. Couldn’t I just get a break away from


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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