Chapter 144


he’s right.” This time it was Adrian who interrupted me, he looked at his sister and nodded his head once. “You two get to bed, if anyone wakes up cover for me.” He then turned to me and gestured out of the door. “There is no way I’m going to leave you to do this alone, especially not when you’re still bound like that. Come on…” I wanted nothing more than to give Nick a hug, and for him to tell me everything would be ok, but he would never do that. I’ve learnt just how selfish he is, how selfish he has always been. So instead I nodded and quickly followed Adrian out of the and pack house and through the wolf district.

It wasn’t too long until we made it to the human area, I could see Adrian glancing around every now and again if he heard any sort of noise, but it was basically quiet, eerily quiet.

“He should be here!” Adrian spoke once we made it to a small clearing right on the outskirts of the district. He began to frantically look around while dread seemed to sink into me. “He should be here!”

“Who should be here?” I was panicking myself now. Was all this just some trap set by the king to see if I would actually leave him? Had I been set up? Adrian did willingly give his grace my old phone. Oh my god… He probably fabricated this entire thing, Dylan you are so stupid

alpha but was instantly put

like it’s been a lifetime since we were sneaking around passing things to and from each other. “I’m rather surprised, I knew you were persuasive, Riley, but I didn’t expect you to influence the alphas son!” Ahh good old Ryan Clarke. He always did address me by my surname, I think it was a way for us to not get too

have an ase in your truck do you?” I held my arms up ever so slightly, allowing the chain to jingle, he

axe…” he slid the door up and opened the large truck before jumping in and rummaging through one of the boxes. “I do, have bolt cutters though Fucking Brilliant.

finally felt like I was going to

allergic. Sorry for

got in the way. To make up for it, I will

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