Chosen By The Moon.

Chapter 154

Dylan POV

I had been driving for just under an hour. Granted I was starting to get the hang of it, but still, the journey was very bumpy, now and again the van would start basically screaming at me which

a very weak Clarke, would tell me it meant we would jolt forward due to my lack of driving skills causing louder

I had to change gears, also every now and again groaning to leave my friends lips.

“Shit!” He whispered out before his head flopped to the side in exhaustion.

“Clarke?! Stay awake, don’t you fucking die on me.” I was panicking so much I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking as they clutched onto the steering wheel. I tried to remain steady, but as each minute passed more blood dripped out of him. I had to pick up speed. “Keep talking to me!”

a left in a minute. It’s a sharp bend.” I barely heard him, his breathing was shallowing out, which was worrying me, it was still dark and I couldn’t put the full beam on because we had

which had Ryan wincing once again. I felt awful, it was all

into them.” What? Did he want us to crash? If

was using to stem the bleeding were stained crimson, and the

it, so I pressed down on the accelerator and launched us forward at great speed. The mountain in question began to seem larger and larger than before, until we

he spoke about moved with the van and allowed us

out into a large area littered an

shot out as well as Ryan’s and I scrambled to deflate both. My eyebrow began to bleed slightly again

before a group of people emerged from behind the trees. Within a minute I had about five different people begin to point very large guns at me in hostility. I was quick to raise my hands up in

quickly and I

he needs a doctor!” I didn’t care too much about all the guns being pointed at me, what


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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