Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 157

Lewis POV

“Dylan…” I couldn’t stop my legs from moving forward on their own. I couldn’t believe she sat in front of me and I knew I had to just touch her to prove she was real. For all I knew I could have been dreaming once again.

I had dreamt about her every single night since I left the palace, I’d dreamt of holding her in my arms and never letting go, of waking up to her beautiful face every morning, and having her wrap her arms around me in a tight embrace to return my affection. I dreamt of her accepting me for who I was and letting me learn everything there was to know about her, but as soon as every wonderful dream ended, the nightmare of reality would come crashing down on me and I would always wake up alone, haunted by her never ending screams of fear and pain, I would always wake up, and become powerless to do anything to help her.

But now, I was sure I wasn’t dreaming, at that moment she had never looked more beautiful and more real, and so on instinct my hand reached out to gently cup her face, her cheek felt cold beneath my palm, but her eyes shone with curiosity as I breathed a sigh of relief.

“You’re really here?” I was so happy to see her in person, to feel her with my own hands, the sparks that so faintly flowed through me every time we made contact before, had been amplified immensely, her scent enveloped my entire being and I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my chest so she could hear my heartbeat and know that it was beating for her and only her.

single minuscule of pain she had ever felt and make it vanish into thin air,

she chuckled awkwardly and moved her beautiful face away from my hand, she cleared her throat and ran her hands through her knotted hair cutting

my own, causing my knees to buckle ever so slightly. Goddess, I really was

and silenced by Vs presence. I knew I was only really

side. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you, you will never know how truly excited I am to have you in our borders.” Everyone in the rebellion knew V was basically star struck by Dylan, she was constantly the topic of conversation and was even, held in extreme high regard by most of the leaders here, myself included, but the way V spoke about her was on an entirely different level, in the few months that Dylan had been within the public eye she really had developed quite the fan base. “My name is Victoria, most people around here call me V,

top of her head while the


Chapter 157

V?” Dylan just looked at her as V pondered the question before an unflattering girly giggle left her

She looked at Dylan and the plate. of food that lay in her lap, a smile

need food.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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